Social media is a cold world!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member

That's how I used to handle the lone white boy in our crew (The Horsemen because the nucleus started with just four of us) in Germany, back in the day. Mollohan's ass would always let his mouth write a check that his body couldn't cash but would start mo shit than a lil bit coz he knew we wouldn't let him get stomped out.

We'd all go to Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Sachsenhausen, Giessen, or wherever for the weekend, go to a club and he'd get half in the bag and wanna run his mouth. When we'd hear shit going on all of a sudden, you'd look up, and there's ole Liquid Courage trash-talking some muhfuckas into slappin' him upside the head.

We'd go and intervene and he just wouldn't STFU, so I'd pick his ass up just like that and carry him to a neutral corner or take him out of the club and make him get his shit together.

After the weekend was over, and we'd recount how it all went, somebody would say, " Did you see how Shaka picked up Mollohan like a rag doll and carried his ass for 60 meters cussin' his ass out. This nigga don't even work out. :eek2:?"
