Trump supporters behaving like the bags of ass that they are


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Interesting. If you look up Ali Alexander (or play the 2nd clip below)
It looks like Republicans are making this 'Ali' dude, the face of the Jan 6 rally
and thus the insurrection.

I never heard of him before and he was only mentioned once on BGOL, when he said Kamala Harris wasn't black.
But apparently this black dude is the mastermind behind all this. :dunno:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Interesting. If you look up Ali Alexander (or play the 2nd clip below)
It looks like Republicans are making this 'Ali' dude, the face of the Jan 6 rally
and thus the insurrection.

I never heard of him before and he was only mentioned once on BGOL, when he said Kamala Harris wasn't black.
But apparently this black dude is the mastermind behind all this. :dunno:

This guy was nothing but a Sammy Davis looking stage prop. I’ve seen him in there rally videos.


Transnational Member

They are getting a taste of what I have been dealing with for years while they gaslight my plight and incite violence behind the scenes. Imagine going through that everyday with people invading your privacy or personal space, chasing you in their cars or pointing toy guns at you.

They should have cracked down on the terrorist coming at me, getting away with it for years and building confidence to storm the Capitol Building. Just as they had to flee the building, I have to leave the U.S.; I can't sit around while they steal and destroy everything I am working on.

Luckily I have friends outside the U.S. that are willing to help.
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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I can't find the meme where Ashli Babbitt and Jordan with the bullet head saying he took the challenge personally. Help me out


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Interesting. If you look up Ali Alexander (or play the 2nd clip below)
It looks like Republicans are making this 'Ali' dude, the face of the Jan 6 rally
and thus the insurrection.

I never heard of him before and he was only mentioned once on BGOL, when he said Kamala Harris wasn't black.
But apparently this black dude is the mastermind behind all this. :dunno:

I had to look him up and he is literally a criminal (theft, credit card fraud etc.) turned opportunistic coon much like Candace Owens. It would be hilarious if he ended up facing charges over this but only if some of the cacs actually responsible go down as well.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Interesting. If you look up Ali Alexander (or play the 2nd clip below)
It looks like Republicans are making this 'Ali' dude, the face of the Jan 6 rally
and thus the insurrection.

I never heard of him before and he was only mentioned once on BGOL, when he said Kamala Harris wasn't black.
But apparently this black dude is the mastermind behind all this. :dunno:

This dumbass coon don't even see how he's being setup to take the major fall for this.

How the fuck are people so fucking stupid?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This dumbass coon don't even see how he's being setup to take the major fall for this.

How the fuck are people so fucking stupid?
I’ve seen it all the time. Was in central booking with some young Mexican kids that just stabbed some kid up. They told the youngest most innocent one to take the charge when he gets out he’ll be a Og hero. And he fell for it. Oldest trick in the book


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This sh!t was VERY entertaining, yet in no way surprising.
When one becomes familiar with the 400 years of the country we live in NOTHING European descended Americans do is surprising.
They are worse pawns than we are...they have no idea that they are.

Watching history being written is amazing!
The National Guard should be in there whooping ass
They should but...we know why they ain’t.
This new administration is going to have their hands full
If they can even get sworn in.
And unless African descended agendas are not top of mind, they hands ain’t full enough.
it's because they know nothing will happen to them. They can do whatever they want.
All Americans can, frankly, it’s just that the consequences are different...we can change that.
Perhaps, but it also shows you the power of ideology and being on code.
It unifies and enforces change. It doesn't reason, it takes.
I would love to see something like this happening with Blk folks internationally one day.
And boom goes the dynamite.
gotdamn shame and embarrassment.
the circus is almost over
HA! Bruh, the circus is just beginning!
I know a lot of us are saying this is just between white people. Don't be stupid. You ever seen a fight inside of a nightclub and you was on the opposite side of the room, and noticed how the brawl slowly gravitated towards your direction? To quote Andre 3000, this is that. Do not be lulled into thinking this is just between white people, because eventually, we will be caught up in this, and don't be empty-handed when it does! Seriously, don't get comfortable on that bench, because sooner or later, we are going to be put in the game.
I respect it, but this ain’t the first civil war. Sure, then Massa tell you whe and where to fight. Not now, not this time.

They don’t bring it to the hood, let them eat their ain’t nunna our business, but I hear and feel you on staying vigilant.

Hate to see people killed, .........but she went down like Duck Hunt. That was a very well placed shot.

Nah, she was trespassing and killed during the commission of a crime.

I knew all of these clips before and it still f*cking brilliant!
You wildin
“Wildin’” can also be “true.”
Just on Morning Joe this morning Joe Scarborough is snapping, he cursed on live TV... :lol:
Man, F*CK Joe! And I actually liked his show but him and Minka gave buddy way to muc air time. They are THE primary enablers all because THEY thought they were the smartest muthaf*ck as in the room.
Im not being optimistic. Im pragmatic and a stickler for the proper use of terms.

An incoming president with newly attained control of both house and senate has NEVER been referred to as a lame duck.

Yall on that bullshit.
But, BDB, ain’t no administration had to get in place and govern after unprecedented history taking place. We got to play this one by ear.
Add some Rocky music to that shit and them peckerwoods got a story to tell their grand kids.

Like he was really invited lmbao!!!
Yup, like they always do history. We need to be on all fronts controlling the narrative.
BIDEN: "Trump's exceeded my worst notions about him, he's been an embarrassment to our country. He's embarrassed us around the world, he's not worthy to hold that office!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

And Joe can shut the f*ck up to. Ain’t nothing he know now he didn’t know before buddy campaigned and took office last time.
Twitter has permanently suspended Trump's account
They ain’t gettin’ a cookie from me.

Drop them dimes!
He needs to be arrested for this!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

And she needs to be arrested for THIS!

It’s about money and nothing else. Still racist as an organization. They just don’t want to fuck up the bag.
I’ve seen that dude speak at there rally’s. That’s the one that look like Sammy Davis junior.
Sound like him too.