Joe Biden is now POTUS


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Reeq needs to stick to dvd-n-socks swap meet sales and Reality TV thot rumor podcasts

Politics is obviously not his lane :lol:
Like I'm taking political advice from a dude who spelled "lose" as "loose" twice in a tweet where he's attempting to seem knowledgeable :lol:
What evidence does he have that Biden will "loose" :lol:

Last I saw D's were getting washed in Maricopa, I hope they can do better later in the day
They sure state has got to turn blue seeing as its one of the battleground ones...


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor

Taking my ass to sleep at 7pm and not waking up for 2 days.
Don't need this election shit in my life.

Exactly how I'm feeling, times like this make wish I smoked trees so that I could take one to the head and pass the fuck out until this is decided :lol:


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
Man, I’m having my new refrigerators delivered this evening. Fuck this election.


Do they come with a couple of complementary bottles of Hope in them?

If not you'll be sweating this shit out with the rest of us.

If you really want a distraction you better look through your black film DVD collection or start tracking some storms :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, I’m having my new refrigerators delivered this evening. Fuck this election.


For real! The tension and stress ain't worth it.
Ain't shit none of us can do beyond what we've already done at this point.

IMO, It's better to wake up to possible news that Trump's projected to win rather than be up all night to see that shit live.
The pain..the pain..

Sidenote: Put the Kools and Steel away man. I don't want to be saying RIP to another brother on the board.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Do they come with a couple of complementary bottles of Hope in them?

If not you'll be sweating this shit out with the rest of us.

If you really want a distraction you better look through your black film DVD collection or start tracking some storms :lol:

:lol: I do just stand there and stare at the collection. I know it has to look crazy to my wife and daughter.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When you side down and think about it... Thats every state. Cities are blue, the surrounding metro is purple and the rural part of the state is red.

What's even crazier is when you actually study the map blue regions boils down to:

1) High diversity populations.
2) College type cities/towns etc.
3) That's about it.

If it's rural and has cows and sheep then it ain't blue.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
For real! The tension and stress ain't worth it.
Ain't shit none of us can do beyond what we've already done at this point.

IMO, It's better to wake up to possible news that Trump's projected to win rather than be up all night to see that shit live.
The pain..the pain..

Sidenote: Put the Kools and Steel away man. I don't want to be saying RIP to another brother on the board.

I don’t smoke cigs or drink.

But you have the right idea. Ain’t nothing we can do more than what we already done.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So a not so random question for my political heads that really follow this stuff.

How does a party win the presidential election and not gain both House and Senate?

For example if you vote Biden/Harris i assume you're likely to vote down party lines.

If they win, How does that not equal those Congressman and/or Senator being Dems not also win?

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
So a not so random question for my political heads that really follow this stuff.

How does a party win the presidential election and not gain both House and Senate?

For example if you vote Biden/Harris i assume you're likely to vote down party lines.

If they win, How does that not equal those Congressman and/or Senator being Dems not also win?

2016, Trump won the popular vote in NC, but we elected a Democratic Governor. I think republicans are more likely to vote across party lines than Democrats.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He only quoted The Washington Post. You really doubt many Black folk are sitting this one out like in 2016/18?
Some are sitting out. Some are voting for the first time. There is also some evidence of those who sat out in 2016 are voting in high numbers folks have been posting in this thread pages and pages back.

I also know Joe Biden had more black folks voting for him in the S. Carolina primary than Obama did in 2008.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
So a not so random question for my political heads that really follow this stuff.

How does a party win the presidential election and not gain both House and Senate?

For example if you vote Biden/Harris i assume you're likely to vote down party lines.

If they win, How does that not equal those Congressman and/or Senator being Dems not also win?

A lot of people could just be sick of Trump and particularly his handling of COVID-19 but still feel like the other Republicans are solid.

Or they mau fear giving Democrats both the Presidency as well as the House/Senate advantages.


Rising Star
So a not so random question for my political heads that really follow this stuff.

How does a party win the presidential election and not gain both House and Senate?

For example if you vote Biden/Harris i assume you're likely to vote down party lines.

If they win, How does that not equal those Congressman and/or Senator being Dems not also win? vote for the democratic party runnings president but not the candidate running for senate. The house is a little trickier because of all the damn gerrrymandering that was done may favor one party over the other. So you'd a good turnout of dems in a red districts to win more seats.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
Some are sitting out. Some are voting for the first time. There is also some evidence of those who sat out in 2016 are voting in high numbers folks have been posting in this thread pages and pages back.

I also know Joe Biden had more black folks voting for him in the S. Carolina primary than Obama did in 2008.

There's also a lot of first time voters who weren't of age in 2016 and/or 2018 that may be energized to do so based off of the protests and BLM movement in the last 6 months or so.


Mr. Pool
So a not so random question for my political heads that really follow this stuff.

How does a party win the presidential election and not gain both House and Senate?

For example if you vote Biden/Harris i assume you're likely to vote down party lines.

If they win, How does that not equal those Congressman and/or Senator being Dems not also win?
I'm no expert but I believe it's due to people not voting in the mid term elections, everyone gets riled up for the presidential one and ignores the most important election


Rising Star
A lot of people could just be sick of Trump and particularly his handling of COVID-19 but still feel like the other Republicans are solid.

Or they mau fear giving Democrats both the Presidency as well as the House/Senate advantages.
For instance Tom Delay the man who engineered the republican takeover of Texas.

"A few months after the election, DeLay was back in his old statehouse haunts, according to the Washington Post, driving around Austin with Jim Ellis, his top political aide. It was then that he and Ellis came up with a daring plan: Target a few linchpin races in 2002 where Republican victories would enable the party to break the Democrats’ lock on the Texas House of Representatives, help recruit the strongest possible candidates, and pour in money and assistance just as his national political-action committee, Americans for a Republican Majority (ARMPAC), had done in so many congressional races in 2000. The Legislature would push through a redistricting plan that would allow gerrymandering arithmetic to accomplish what the Republicans weren’t getting done at the polls, and soon the Texas congressional delegation would include a rightful commanding majority of Republicans (who would, among other virtues, leap to show their gratitude in the event that DeLay offered himself for Speaker of the U.S. House).

DeLay’s power had reached such heights that he would soon have the entire leadership of state government and both chambers of the Legislature performing for him like dancing bears. The pandemonium that DeLay set off in Texas was the flip side of the old adage that all politics is local. By drawing the Texas map so that five to seven more seats would be handed to the GOP, he meant to perpetuate, in one brash swipe, a conservative Republican majority and agenda in the U.S. House until the roosters quit crowing and the sun stayed down. The prize of pulling off this coup amounted to a DeLay wish list: placing restrictions on abortion, drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, eliminating the capital gains tax, and all but putting the hated Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration out of business. Katy, bar the door!"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A lot of people could just be sick of Trump and particularly his handling of COVID-19 but still feel like the other Republicans are solid.

Or they mau fear giving Democrats both the Presidency as well as the House/Senate advantages.

I hear you. But that's odd thinking to me considering he couldn't do half of that shit if those "solid" Republicans didn't enable him.
Hell, an argument can be made that we're in this shit more because of those Republicans not checking Trump compared to Trump being Trump.
They've show to be weak and care about rank and file than doing what's right when all indications are to do right.
So how does anyone vote them as "solid" is beyond me.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
There's also a lot of first time voters who weren't of age in 2016 and/or 2018 that may be energized to do so based off of the protests and BLM movement in the last 6 months or so.
You just made me think of the Stoneman Douglas School Shooting children from a few years ago. A lot of them were under 18.....they probably going to come out in full force and help turn FL Blue.


Rising Star
I hear you. But that's odd thinking to me considering he couldn't do half of that shit if those "solid" Republicans didn't enable him.
Hell, an argument can be made that we're in this shit more because of those Republicans not checking Trump compared to Trump being Trump.

They've show to be weak and care about rank and file than doing what's right when all indications are to do right.
So how does anyone vote them as "solid" is beyond me.
They care about staying in power and what that power affords them.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
I hear you. But that's odd thinking to me considering he couldn't do half of that shit if those "solid" Republicans didn't enable him.
Hell, an argument can be made that we're in this shit more because of those Republicans not checking Trump compared to Trump being Trump.
They've show to be weak and care about rank and file than doing what's right when all indications are to do right.
So how does anyone vote them as "solid" is beyond me.

There's no logic to this brother.

For people who actually buy into the party bullshit it's no different than Bloods vs. Crips.

You just made me think of the Stoneman Douglas School Shooting children from a few years ago. A lot of them were under 18.....they probably going to come out in full force and help turn FL Blue.

Hopefully, it's these types of groups that are difficult to predict since they've never voted before that give me the most hope.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They care about staying in power and what that power affords them.

Even at the expense of the whole world buring around them.
But, real talk, GOP from a national perspective are an endangered species.
They have to implement voter and other suppression strategies to stand a chance nationally.

The country and generations are changing everyday and it's not changing and leaning more GOP either.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Biden will win Florida. I've seen far too many lawn signs this year compared to 2016.

Plus all the seniors that have turned away from Chump.

Lastly, although Repubs will more than likely always have Cubans in South Florida, Puerto Ricans in Central Florida have surpassed Cubans as the largest Latino voting block in the state. hopefully they haven't forgotten Chump's treatment of PR post Hurricane Maria...... I've seen a lot of Biden support and caravan runs here full of Puerto Ricans.

Fucking Po' Ricans better vote for Biden.
Ricans and the like are
Voting for Trump.