TV Show Discussion: The Boys by Garth Ennis on Amazon Prime (Fonz Approved!) Update: Season 5 FINAL SEASON!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Kripke never disappoints. Dude knows how to end a season.
That was a good "Big poppa" twist.
I called some of it, though. Maeve gets it from Homelander next season. I'm calling it now.
Next season, we get soldier boy.
They did a nice homage to the comic books during the fight.
Since they gender-flipped Stormfront, it made sense to have women fight her. Hollyweird is doing everything they can to keep from looking sexist.
Questions for next season:
Question 1: Badly injured = dead?
Question 2: consequences of reneging on a deal?
Question 3: Head poppa's kinfolk at Sage Grove?
Now Stan controls Vought's opposition AND Hughie by proxy. Genius!
They gave clues. When you go back and watch the television, they gave clues. Damn it!


Rising Star
Platinum Member

So why the greatest kryptonite against a racist

Is to expose them as racist?

When they BEEN doing racist sh*t in broad day?
But it was unbeknownst to the general pubic. Stormfront made sure that nobody survived seeing her do racist shit. She took out a whole floor or two of a building to cover her tracks over the incident with Kiimiko's brother. She was still a Vought media property and public image was key to her success. Still, it was kind of a weak motivational point.

Yall get the Avengers Endgame girl power scene reference?
I really felt like it was more of an homage to Quentin Tarantino's "Death Proof"
