We have been Infiltrated


BGOL Investor
A lot of odd behavior on this board lately...JS


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
“ADOS are Russian Assholes!!!” - somebody saying American Descendants of Chattel Slavery are Russian Assholes is a true menace to society.
I took you off of ignore for a second just to see what you said and I see why put you on ignore. ADOS are Russian assholes and do not have anything to do with slave descendants.......it has more to do with coons.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
It's going to be a long couple of months man. It's not just here. I got fucking friends of mine on Facebook who are black just spreading fucking nonsense

Somehow, Joe Biden is going to make pedophilia legal

Where the fuck did she even get this shit?

And, if I'm Trump and that is even remotely true I'm running with it. Yes the Democrats are pussies, but the Republican or believe that only help the rich Buddies.

The Democrats are bad because they're weak, but the Republicans are far worse. Anything is better than Trump for another 4 years


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's going to be a long couple of months man. It's not just here. I got fucking friends of mine on Facebook who are black just spreading fucking nonsense

Somehow, Joe Biden is going to make pedophilia legal

Where the fuck did she even get this shit?

And, if I'm Trump and that is even remotely true I'm running with it. Yes the Democrats are pussies, but the Republican or believe that only help the rich Buddies.

The Democrats are bad because they're weak, but the Republicans are far worse. Anything is better than Trump for another 4 years
How do you figure things will be better if Biden wins?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Only a black male that overcomes this white man's world. Other than that we are either satisfied with white power or we are dissatisfied. There is no way a righteous person can be successful in a wicked world unless he changes that world first. Other than that carbon copies of white devil's are you can say successful devil's. And a lost of being yourself and real freedom.


The R&B Master
OG Investor
Maybe last Election but every four years? Nah and I don't think it happened last election . Some of the posters that are getting called bots have been here 10+ years.
At the very least the last 3 elections, an I believe it's 4. But I know for a fact the last 3.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
seat at the table dudes protecting their seat as usual.
Their seat isn’t even at the table though. It is in the back of the room or they are the help. That is what is sad because they are purposely fine with it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's going to be a long couple of months man. It's not just here. I got fucking friends of mine on Facebook who are black just spreading fucking nonsense

Somehow, Joe Biden is going to make pedophilia legal

Where the fuck did she even get this shit?

And, if I'm Trump and that is even remotely true I'm running with it. Yes the Democrats are pussies, but the Republican or believe that only help the rich Buddies.

The Democrats are bad because they're weak, but the Republicans are far worse. Anything is better than Trump for another 4 years

:lol: The irony of your post and screen name is that you are named after the god that Biden worships so why would you think Biden would not execute the ritual? I told BGOL months ago Harris would be the VP pick because of it.

they’ve already made the people accept LGBT ism, next step is pederasty and the last step is beastiality.