Cop Kneels On Black Man's Neck As He Screams, "I Can't Breathe!" Murderer and Inmate Derek Chauven Was Shanked


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Yeah they will allow the dog to continue to bite. Pretty much fair game. Pretty much he was resisting and was given time to comply.
Hey man, do you mind leaving an indication of being sarcastic...for the benefit of others. Asking for a friend. :puzzled:


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
It's funny, how all these people are saying we need to protest peacefully yet Collin Kaepernick, Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf and Craig Hodges were blackballed in their respective sports and Martin Luther King Jr was shot for peacefully protesting....

And,then these same white people want act like Martin Luther King Jr was the only Civil Rights leader.Not only,do they act like he's the only Civil Rights leader,they misquote and act like he was docile.

Just,because he preferred the peaceful way,he didn't know what's going on in the country at the time. I wish people stop doing that shit.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Yeah they will allow the dog to continue to bite. Pretty much fair game. Pretty much he was resisting and was given time to comply.

How was he resisting?

Do you know the story on this cause?
Cause when the video started he had hands up surrendering... woman in front caused him to trip.. when he fell he put his hands behind his back And officer wit his dog... let the dog bite dude when at that point he wasn’t threat...

It doesn’t matter if dude was fucking running from the cops... at the point where the dog bit him .. he surrendered


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How was he resisting?

Do you know the story on this cause?
Cause when the video started he had hands up surrendering... woman in front caused him to trip.. when he fell he put his hands behind his back And officer wit his dog... let the dog bite dude when at that point he wasn’t threat...

It doesn’t matter if dude was fucking running from the cops... at the point where the dog bit him .. he surrendered
That is the edited video the full is floating around Twitter

I hear you on the dog but that will always be considered reasonable force. It’s stupid to me that you can’t even touch the dog which is just a natural reaction to being bitten but that is a felony.

At the end of the day there is some accountability in the person reactions.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How was he resisting?

Do you know the story on this cause?
Cause when the video started he had hands up surrendering... woman in front caused him to trip.. when he fell he put his hands behind his back And officer wit his dog... let the dog bite dude when at that point he wasn’t threat...

It doesn’t matter if dude was fucking running from the cops... at the point where the dog bit him .. he surrendered

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
From that stupid ass name to his consistently trash ass opinions. Don't understand why he's been allowed to rock as long as he has.
He sarcastically tries to reverse shit and call me and others white to project. He’s a fucking bitch and needs to be banned on that racist name alone. He’s an agent like these fake cac protestor anarchists.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I told y’all this faggit is a fucking cac
You can’t do anything about the cop canine dog biting you. It’s a felony to even hit the dog.

Not sure how they expect someone to lay still while a dog is chomping on your leg.

Now you can debate whether dogs should be used in that manner but by law it is fair game.

Not much you can do about it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From that stupid ass name to his consistently trash ass opinions. Don't understand why he's been allowed to rock as long as he has.
I am simply logical and not on that tough guy Internet shit. I have a family to take care of so I can’t be on some dumb knock a CAC out that some of you on. Or some other wild shit.

All the fronting for the gram burning building does nothing for me. Look at how Trump and his followers have already changed the narrative. How many times are we going to play this game and get burned?

Crackas already declared a state of emergency. Now they can legally slide themselves some cash through “relief efforts” our people won’t see a dime of that money. But you have people pounding their chest for burning down a autozone. At some point you got to think bigger