"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...CASES 676,609,955 DEATHS 6,881,955 US CASES 103,804,263 US DEATHS 1,123,836 8:30pm 1/28/24


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
a lot of Dubai activities


The full cleanse after the activities of the weekend.

:roflmao3: :giggle:


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

Trump is mad Antibiotics can't cure the Corona VIRUS!!!

This stupid muthafucker....this dude said antibodies on a fucking virus...

:smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:

Only a moron on Trump's level.... would call a virus "brilliant"... God do I want to see his high school/college manuscripts... :hmm:

sidebar: And his sheep trust him.... to tell them what's safe and what's not safe..... a fool that RAW DOGGED a well established porn star with at least a few hunnid notches on her bed post.... :hmm:


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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Im not going to get into comparing notes! But check my history. I’m a BGOL vet(I have a lot more than 300 post). But more apt to this discussion, I’m part and have been part of multiple groups that research and write YOUR sop as an RN. Yes! I have the authored, coauthored research papers and varied degrees(not halo) to back it up.

I appreciate sharing the info you did. But if it’s bad science then it’s bad science.



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Wonder if we'll have to prove we are vaccinated to be admitted to work or public places.

They are going to try and make life misreable if your do not accept their vaccine poison.
Dude.... "vaccine poison?"..... Do your eyes see what's coming out of your mouth? You're sounding wack as fuck....get the fuck outta here with that fucking rhetoric.... you're as bad as those anti-vaccine turds getting people killed, the Jews that don't get inoculated for measles..... you're one of the ones that a vaccine does not need to be wasted on..... :hmm:

So that means, probability for spreading is greater if you can't get tested.

Curious... what fucking difference does it make to you whether or not it spreads with your above expressed view on a "vaccine poison".... if and when one is developed????
:hmm: :idea:

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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
I know it is in my city. That ain’t doing testing on the south side, which is low-income and minority.
I know it's in mine too.... one of the ER doctors that died was in my city's hospital.... and they've got Newark, Irvington. Orange and East Orange on lockdown..... there are supposed to be four areas in Newark that are "hot spots".... :smh::(

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gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

I don't see Ohio opening up anytime soon....Especially, when you still got a bunch of people acting like it's the flu and care more about the state economy than people's health.

Ohio ain't opening up, but a lot of people aren't listening it seems.

Fools out here having cookouts. My friend said his neighbors having the second gathering this fucking week. :smh: I went through my old neighborhood yesterday and no fucking way you could tell there was a lockdown. Shit was like normal. And it was only in the 40s yesterday. It's crazy because downtown is dead.

Between the hood and the 'truther' cacs, shit is still going to spread. When those checks hit, :itsawrap:

It seems black people in the city are taking this shit seriously, but only with strangers. Family and friends are thought to be clean.

This shit going to be ugly even with the lockdown. And the U.S. lockdown ain't nothing like China lockdown, so 2 months of this bullshit ain't going to cut it man.


Rising Star
Platinum Member


She pregnant again? I guess Kev, Cam, and Russell are in a race...cool...more black babies..:yes:


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Dr. Birx said the other day that its going to be an "acute second wave". Dr. Fauci also said that Covid-19 is not going away just because it gets warmer...if I'm being honest, the winter of 2020 has been warmer than one i can remember..at least here in NC...i dont think anyone really knows...we just have to remain vigilant on our social distancing


"Poppycock.... I just brought a
snowball into the senate!!!"

3 Years Ago, We All Laughed at James Inhofe’s Snowball. The Joke Was on Us.
After all, we elected a snowflake.



Rising Star
Platinum Member

I don't see Ohio opening up anytime soon....Especially, when you still got a bunch of people acting like it's the flu and care more about the state economy than people's health.

I don't know much about Gov. DeWine but he seems to actually give a crap about the people in his state, with that being said, it's too bad that the GOP is too scared to challenge Trump at the Convention...truth be told, he could probably beat Biden...like i said, based off of what I'm seeing from him, he doesn't appear to be partisan and is working with his colleagues through bipartisan measures

Good thing to come out of all of this, a lot of Governors have stepped to the national stage to show what they are about so we should have some new faces in both the republican and democratic party