Fuhrer Trump directs DoD to establish a Space Force; a 6th branch of the military


BGOL Investor
this is not a crazy as it sounds.

the air force already has a group that does this.

Yeah but it’s classified.. and they def ain’t establishing shit because the orange idiot says so lmaoo


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Clown Show
Remember after inauguration and i commented on the dangers of him learning all the secret intel including extra terrestrial information? I wouldnt be surprised if this space force shit is some misguided response to all the shit hes now privy to. This loose lip lunatic is gonna slip up and speak on some shit hes gonna regret. Collusion will be the least of his worries.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Does anyone really think this was his idea?

They getting the population ready so when they reveal the truth about aliens it won't be as big a deal.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Remember after inauguration and i commented on the dangers of him learning all the secret intel including extra terrestrial information? I wouldnt be surprised if this space force shit is some misguided response to all the shit hes now privy to. This loose lip lunatic is gonna slip up and speak on some shit hes gonna regret. Collusion will be the least of his worries.
Yea man disclosure would definitely be the straw that breaks the camel back. I don't think these people let Trump know about E.T.

This nigga would be talking about trade deficit with Martians.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
An old Air Force chant:

Instructor would yell:
“Air Power”

Trainees would then yell:
“Space Power”

Air Force is already the Space Force.​
I was just aboutto post this...

Not the Dumpster’s idea, USAF been floating this up to the DOD. They talked about having another force under the Department of the Air Force just like how the Marines is under the Department of the Navy:


BGOL Investor
I don’t think the U.S. Government have anything that can fly people into space with. Maybe we can catch a ride from the Russians like we are doing now. Sad.:(


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


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The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Another thing is there is the International Space Station (ISS)

It was built using the US Soace Shuttle and originally the shuttle was used to transport astronauts to and from the ISS. The Russian Soyuz was originally used as a backup.

They retired the Shuttle and now use the Russian Soyuz as the primary transport.

Anybody who has been around long enough knows that the US is not gonna rely on the Russians to transport its astronauts into space.

The US has satellites that are used by the DoD, and other alphabet agencies and clandestine groups up there that need routine maintenance and checkups.

Which means US astronauts have to get up there and make repairs.

How the fuck are they getting up there?

Also, do you honestly think the ISS is the only space station up there?


Rising Star
OG Investor
Take money from social services and put into a new branch of what is already the most well financed military in the world...MAGA indeed


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When you think about who is protecting our communication satellites . especially When Some country can push a button and black all forms of communication out ..no tv no internet no phone service yeah I'm all for that.....and have the ability to shoot their shyt down ....yeah I'm down


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
More secrets to keep from the public. President Reagan started star wars. And they built a space station for when they finish pimping earth they have other areas to pimp and pollute. Plus there is still evidence of the true origin of humans still around. They want all blacks either dead or true carbon copies of them and dream with them. I see why they call it the America dream. You got to be asleep to be a part of this. We have successful blacks but it is still success in a white reality under white control.
What is stopping us from separating from whites and rebuilding truth and real blackness?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
what blaclbull1970 said
the us probably has a space force the is hidden in the air force r/d budget
think about the sr71 what replaced that,it's probably those flying triangles

These devils have hid and blown up a lot of technology that they secretly study in hiding. The only reason why they are in power is because of spells and curses that the masses have been programmed with. Jonestown should have been a wake up call for blacks. The foundation of white power and slavery was based off of this model.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The more he fucks up, the further away the blame of Obama ruining the country distances itself from reality. The white people i know and those I see worried shitless about what’s coming next is growing. White people are terrified. They don’t know what to do and they can’t believe what is happening to them, their families, their jobs, etc. Hell in a handbasket, is the common term. And the more Trump fucks up, disgraces the country, and alienates us around the world, the less blacks have to say “I told you so.” Donald Trump is the doing all the racial confirmation for us. He’s doing the dirty work.

“White privilege doesn’t exist!”
Trump gets elected with no experience or knowledge of anything.
“Why is everything about race with you people?”
Trump bans Muslims, ignores PR, Shits on NFL players.

Every little step he takes, the clearer racism is real, rampant and proven.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Okay. Theoretically, theoretically, this could make sense.

The current administration, and the GOP in general hate NASA. Or at the very least, they refuse to acknowledge that they have any practical purpose that requires funding. So any attempt to build a new space program with them will very likely fall on deaf ears. Also, Trump knows that he can't pitch science and exploration to his base, since he's literally built an administration around shitting on them.

So he comes out and tries to build a Space Force. Because the idiot base will back anything that supposedly makes us strong, you can actually divert some of the already too large military budget into it, and you can probably sneak some of that pesky research and innovation into the system while you're at it. Everybody wins.

The only problems are:

1) We technically already have a division that deals with space, so there's not necessarily a desperate need to have a "separate but equal" (..ugh....) branch created.

2) If the military leads any space charge, we know that they'll effectively fuck up any actual attempts at science or research along the way. That's basically the premise of every other scifi movie ever made.

3) While it could be a smart maneuver, we know full well the idiot in chief has not applied any actual intelligence to his process, and

4) Even if he did, I trust him about as far as I can throw him. We'll find out next year that the Space Force has a civilian contract signed with Trump Air, Inc. And yes, they will be big enough assholes that they will literally put his name on it, be transparently corrupt, and absolutely zero fucks will be given by the public.

Finally, fuck Mike Pence. Having that dude on your shoulder while you say a bunch of bullshit is like having a literal Starscream at your back.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When will we ever have a black military? Do they plan on killing prisoners and homeless? Seems like money and resources is only for serious devil genes. The oceans here on earth are turning to acid and only certain people get good land and air to breath. I use to be in the military but that was only because they thought I was one of them (totally controlled by an unnatural force. They just have a lot to hid and destroy about the origin of humanity (blacks). The original genes will never fit in white power at this level


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When you think about who is protecting our communication satellites . especially When Some country can push a button and black all forms of communication out ..no tv no internet no phone service yeah I'm all for that.....and have the ability to shoot their shyt down ....yeah I'm down
Communication was cut when black wall street was destroyed. Have we forgot about whistle blowers like Webb and Edward Snowden? The control over the masses by white power is amazing.