'White People' -A Dying Breed??


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FAUX News anchor pleads with Anglo-Americans to 'Make Cac Babies'

<video src="http://cloudfront.mediamatters.org/static/video/2006/05/12/bigstory-20060511-babies.mp4" width="480" height="360" muted autoplay controls="true"></video>
Turn volume up to hear audio

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"White People" - A Dying Breed

by Richard Ehrman
November 2005


If demography is destiny, then, on the face of it, Britain should be feeling pretty smug. In late May the number of people in the UK finally passed the 60 million mark. By 2031, according to official projections released last month, there will be 67 million of us. While populations across most of the rest of Europe are stagnating, and many will soon be shrinking, ours is booming.

So why does this bountiful prospect make so many of us uneasy? A century ago such news would have been greeted with jubilation, as another sign of national virility and self-confidence. But today people do not quite know what to think. We know that immigration is the overwhelming cause of our population growth, followed by greater longevity. This makes people nervous. We also realize that the birth rate is below replacement level, and that we have got to find workers from somewhere to support us through our old age.

Less well known is that, around the globe, most countries are facing demographic upheaval, many on a scale far greater than we are. Yet this gets far less attention than, say, climate change, even though we can be far more certain that it will transform the way we live, and in ways that are much easier to predict.

During the last 50 years populations increased pretty much across the board in developed and undeveloped countries alike, albeit at different rates. Now the demographic plates are not just shifting, but diverging. Japan, Russia and many southern and eastern European countries face a sustained, outright fall in population over the next 50 years — something that has never happened before in any advanced economy. For most of the rest of Europe, the prospect is one of ageing stagnation, even after immigration is taken into account.

In stark contrast, across Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America numbers are set to rocket. Eventually, perhaps in the second half of this century, population growth in the developing world, too, will moderate. Before that happens, however, demographic divergence between today’s developed and developing worlds will revolutionize the balance of political and economic power between regions and countries.

According to the United Nations, the world’s population is increasing by 72 million a year, or one and a half million people a week, and stands at 6.5 billion overall. Of these, 1.2 billion live in the developed world and 5.3 billion in the developing world. By 2050 the UN expects the world’s population to have grown to 9.1 billion people, with nearly all the increase accounted for by the developing world. Populations are also set to get a lot older; in developed countries there are already more over-60s than under-14s, and by 2050 the ratio will be 2:1.

Of course, projecting current trends into the future is always hazardous. But, right now, virtually no demographer expects fertility in today’s developed world to return to the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman. For all sorts of reasons — contraception, the decline of marriage, increasing economic and social equality of the sexes, expense — Western women are having fewer babies than their mothers and far fewer than their grandmothers.

Barring anything cataclysmic, it seems safe to assume that in half a century’s time the world’s population will be 50 per cent higher, and the vast majority of these extra people will be Asians, Africans, Arabs and Latin Americans. None of them will be European. This is startling enough, but to get a better feel for what it will mean one has to look at individual national projections, some of which are truly amazing.

In Europe, a golden age is drawing to a close. For 50 years we have enjoyed an economic bonanza based not just on peace and technological progress, but also on remarkably favourable demographics. Thanks to the post-second-world-war baby boom, the number of young people coming into the job market in the 1970s and 1980s comfortably outnumbered those who were then reaching pension age.

This is now going into reverse, savagely so in some countries. Poland now has a population of 38.5 million; by 2050 the UN expects that to have fallen to under 32 million. Over the same period it expects Romania, Slovenia, Croatia and the Czech Republic to lose some 20 per cent of their populations, while Bulgaria is projected to lose a third.

In what Donald Rumsfeld termed old Europe, the numbers of Germans, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese and Greeks will probably all be in decline by 2025, even after immigration is taken into account. Thereafter, the population of the EU is projected to fall in total by some 20 million by 2050. Even more alarmingly, the European statistical office, Eurostat, expects that by 2050 the number of those of working age will have declined by over 50 million, while the numbers of those of pensionable age will have more than doubled. France, like Britain, seems set to buck the trend of falling numbers.

The UN expects its population to rise to about 63 million by 2050, while the French say it will be higher. But this does not mean that either country will escape the problems that our neighbors face. In France, as in Britain, the increase in population will only partly offset the impact of ageing. But it should at least ensure that British and French dependency ratios (the number of workers per pensioner) are a lot healthier, come mid-century, than most of the rest of Europe’s.

Our situation will certainly be a lot healthier than Russia’s, where life expectancy is decreasing and the birth rate is so low that by 2050 the population is expected to have fallen by over 30 million, or more than 20 per cent of its current total. To put it even more starkly, Russia is losing 2,000 people a day, and is expected to go on doing so for the next 45 years. In the other European countries of the former Soviet Union, the outlook is, if anything, even worse: in Ukraine the decline is expected to be over 40 per cent and in Belarus nearly 30 per cent.

In Asia the big loser will be Japan where the population has just started falling, two years ahead of expectations, and where it has been predicted that life expectancy will reach a staggering 92 years by mid-century. South Korea, too, can expect to see its population decline, though not as severely as Japan’s.

But while some countries’ populations get alarmingly older and smaller, others will be getting larger and younger. In India numbers are expected to increase by 55 per cent by 2050, taking its population to 1,600 million and overtaking China. In Brazil numbers are expected to increase by 35 per cent to over 250 million, and in Mexico by 30 per cent. In the Far East, Indonesia is predicted to see a rise of 30 per cent, and Vietnam 40 per cent.

On the southern shores of the Mediterranean, Algeria and Morocco are both expected to see population increases over the next 45 years of 50 per cent, and Egypt of 60 per cent, or 50 million extra people. Significantly, given its status as a candidate for EU membership, Turkey’s population is also projected to rise strongly over the same period — by over 30 million — or more than enough to make up the shortfall expected among the current EU 25. In fact, by the time Turkey joins the EU (if it does), it will probably be the Union’s biggest member.

In the Middle East numbers are expected not so much to increase as to rocket; in Yemen from 20 million today to a stunning 60 million in 2050. Iraq (if it still exists as a country) is expected to double from under 30 million now to over 60 million by 2050, as is Saudi Arabia, from 25 million to 50 million. Over the same period, Syria will also nearly double its population and Iran will increase by 50 per cent, to over 100 million — making it the equal of Russia.

In Africa the projected increases are even more startling. By 2020 —that is in just 15 years’ time — the UN expects the population of sub-Saharan Africa to increase by nearly 300 million. By then there are projected to be 45 million more Nigerians, 30 million more Ethiopians, 22 million more Ugandans, 15 million more Kenyans and 11 million more Tanzanians. Even little-known Mali and Niger will produce eight million more citizens apiece — 50 per cent — plus increases on their current numbers.

As always, there will be exceptions on both sides of the divide. Australia and New Zealand will continue to grow and so, more surprisingly, will the US. Far from stagnating or falling, the UN projects that by 2050 the American population will increase by one third to 400 million. Some demographers think it could go even higher. The US fertility rate, at 2.07 on the latest figures, is virtually at replacement level. But the US, like Australia and New Zealand, also has the ability to absorb a far greater number of migrants than any European country.

And then there is China, now the world’s most populous nation, as well its most dynamic large economy. Chinese numbers are projected to continue to grow until the 2030s, but then begin to fall. This can be put down to its one-child policy, as can the projection that it is set to age far more quickly than most developing countries. By 2050 its average age is likely to be slightly higher than that of the US, though still below Europe’s. Demographers joke that China will grow old before it grows rich.

All of this is bound to have profound consequences for the world —economic, cultural and political. After 1945 traditional attitudes to population changed. If anything, having too many people came to be seen as a handicap, and not only in the Third World; the post-war baby boom led to worries about overpopulation in developed countries as well. In the 1970s official commissions concluded that a stable population offered the best prospects for growth and prosperity in both the US and the UK. A rash of alarmist books predicted that overpopulation would lead to starvation in developing countries and shortages of oil and other raw materials in the West.

Fortunately these predictions soon proved baseless. As the developed world reaped the economic benefits of the post-war baby boom and the developing world learnt to feed itself, worries about overpopulation faded. Now, with their populations stagnating and even shrinking, the outlook for the developed world, and especially Europe, is far less benign.

What hope is there for the federalist dream of the EU rivalling the US as a world superpower, when its population will not just age dramatically but also shrink, while America’s will continue to grow rapidly? Europe is set to become a backwater, not a powerhouse. Can Russia really hope to revive as a great power when it is losing its population at such an epic rate? How many of today’s G8 will still qualify for membership of the world’s elite economic club in 30 years’ time? (Britain certainly will not.) What will a society be like that has twice as many pensioners as children?

Further afield, what will be the impact on Asia when India overtakes China as the world’s most populous nation? Will the world’s ecosystem be able to support half as many people again, especially when so many more of them will own cars? Perhaps most crucially of all, how will the corrupt (and usually impoverished) dictatorships of the Middle East and Africa cope with such explosive increases in their populations? For those without oil the outlook, unless they can reform, is frightening. Even those blessed with oil revenues will have to liberalise their economies and regimes, or live with massive poverty, unemployment and disaffection.

For Europe and Japan, meanwhile, the biggest worry is that, as population growth goes into reverse, Malthus is about to be proved wrong again. He thought that a smaller population would be beneficial, because it should mean larger shares for fewer people. But in industrial societies, at least in peacetime, rising populations have usually been able to generate enough economic growth not just to maintain their standard of living, but to improve it.

Now, with life expectancy increasing dramatically, many countries find themselves facing the demographic double whammy of both an ageing and a falling population. The European Commission reckons that the decline in the EU workforce could reduce its growth rate from an already niggardly 2 per cent today to just over 1 per cent by 2050. In Japan, which is even further down the ageing spiral than Europe, the economy has been mired in deflation for over a decade.

Worst off of all will be ageing/shrinking countries which start out with a high tax burden and high level of public spending. As their tax bases contract and the demands on their public services increase, the fiscal policies and pension systems of many European countries will become unsustainable.

The view of Europe’s sclerotic leaders seems to be that population change is already ‘baked in the cake’ and that even talking about it is risky — especially with women voters, who do not want to be told to swap their briefcases for baking trays. Instead, politicians have tried to manage the problem, mainly by tinkering with pensions and easing immigration.

Later retirement, they say, is inevitable, and this is true. But when the number of workers is falling, pension reform can only postpone the problem, not solve it. Immigration, too, has its drawbacks as a solution to population change. On a large scale it is unpopular and hard to absorb; and not only do immigrants themselves grow old, but their birth rate tends rapidly to fall to that of their host country, necessitating ever more arrivals just to keep the situation steady.

According to the think-tank Migrationwatch, Britain, which has a birth rate above the European norm, would need a million immigrants a year up to 2050 just to maintain our dependency ratio between workers and pensioners. This would mean doubling the population to 120 million! Which brings us to the root cause of the problem and the issue politicians dare not discuss — our reluctance to have enough children to stabilise the population naturally. In the rich countries of the world people have never had it so good, and they have never had so few babies This is the paradox behind population decline. As we in the West become more comfortable, the basic human urge to reproduce, which has survived famine, pestilence and war, is faltering in the face of peace and prosperity.

Governments, it has to be said, have a poor track record when it comes to encouraging their citizens to have more children. Demographers call it pro-natalism, and it was first given a bad name by Mussolini and Hitler. After the war, Ceausescu, in a vain attempt to raise the Romanian population, forced all women under 40 to undergo monthly gynaecological examinations to check that they were not using contraception, and introduced a special tax on the childless.

But these unfortunate examples should not mean we have to abandon all hope of boosting Europe’s low birth rates. Even a slight increase could make a significant difference to the prospects of individual countries. Take Italy: at present there are 58 million Italians, and if they continue to reproduce at their current low rate there will be 20 per cent fewer of them — just 46 million — by 2050, even allowing for immigration. But the possible outcomes postulated by the UN’s demographers range from as low as 44 million to as high as 58 million, depending on just what birth rate Italy does manage over the next half century. Over two or three decades, small incremental changes in fertility rates could have a big impact.

Counterintuitively, countries with traditional, extended family structures, such as Italy and Spain, have among Europe’s lowest birth rates. In fact it is difficult to say just what would increase fertility across Europe, because circumstances vary so much between countries. The country that has done best recently is France. The French provide generous financial incentives for third and subsequent children. A gendarme inspector, who recently published a book on the Beatles, revealed that he had spent 12 of the last 18 years on paternity leave, thanks to his famille nombreuse. Many French people also put their recent increases in fertility down to their 35-hour working week, which has given both sexes more time for child-rearing, although their birth rate actually rose faster in the 1990s, before the law was introduced.

Sweden, which has the highest proportion of people in their twenties living independently, also enjoys comparatively high fertility. Overall, it seems that for young people to embark on parenthood they need to be financially independent, have a place of their own and, for mothers, the chance to work flexibly. It is a lesson that European governments forget at their peril.

How about Britain? The flexible labor market remains a plus, but for all Gordon Brown’s claims to be helping ‘hard-working’ families it has become much more difficult for young people to set up on their own. Not just house prices, but student debt, stamp duty and council tax have all risen sharply. Even the planning system has been changed to discourage the building of family houses, and the average age of first-time buyers has now risen to over 30. Little wonder that parenthood is not as popular as it once was.

Given all the variables, demographers are wary of projecting their figures beyond the next 50 years. But it has been calculated that if Europeans go on breeding at their present rate, by the next millennium there would be 50,000 of us left across the entire continent. More seriously, if the Italians and Germans continue to reproduce at their present rate, by the end of this century they could be just half their present number.

Before we all get too gloomy, though, we should not forget that, for most of the world, population change will have many good as well as bad effects. Around the globe people are living longer, more healthily and more happily. They are seeing fewer of their children die. In many places, particularly in Asia and Latin America, population growth is spurring economic development. But for Europe the options really are pretty stark. Either we rediscover the urge to reproduce, or reconcile ourselves to becoming poorer, weaker and less numerous while the rest of the world multiplies.

Richard Ehrman is a former chief leader writer of the Daily Telegraph
and is working on a book about population change.
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Yeah, it's true, white people are a dying breed, that's what they get for fucking other races over like they always do, isn't payback a bitch. you should see those White Nationalists on Stormfront. Those mothafuckas sound just like that Anchor, only they are serious. they can't stop us from Multiplying. that site is mad funny if you read that most of these pricks have IQs of over "OVER" 120.

You know I remember one time reading that they had invented birth control to control our population from growing, but it never worked. Now all we have to do is educate our own and we'll be alright


Superstar *****
BGOL Investor
<font face="verdana" size="4" color="#480024">
It’s all out in plain view now; No obfuscation, No cautious language, just White Supremacist talk. <s>FOX</s> FAKE News is the Klu Klux Klan’s electronic media broadcast center. The official RepubliKlan channel </font>

<hr noshade color="#ff0000" size="12"></hr>

<font face="arial black" size="5" color="#d90000">
Fox News Presents! The War On Darkies </font><p>
<font face="trebuchet ms, tahoma, helvetica, verdana" size="3" color="#000000">
<img src="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/contributors/bob-cesca/headshot.jpg">
<b>By Bob Cesca

May 17th 2006</b><br>
<br>Last week, Fox News Channel's John Gibson urged white people to make more babies in order to counter the growing Latino population in America. Watch Stephen Colbert present <a href="http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/05/17.html#a8327">Gibson's ridiculousness here</a>.
<br>Next up... Tony Snow, former Fox pundit and current White House press secretary, blurted out &quot;squeezing the tar baby&quot; in his first official press conference.
<br>And most recently, <a href="http://mediamatters.org/items/200605170006">Media Matters took note</a> of O'Reilly's Talking Point Memo segment in which he lashed out at &quot;far left thinkers&quot; for opposing the &quot;white power structure that controls America&quot;.
<br>O'Reilly thinks it's a bad thing that idiots like you and me want a society and government that's multicultural.

<video src="http://cloudfront.mediamatters.org/static/video/2006/05/17/oreilly-20060516-zealots.mp4" width="480" height="360" muted autoplay controls></video>
Turn volume up to hear audio
May 2006 -O'Reilly claimed that the NY Times, and other "lefty zealots" believe that "the white power structure that controls America is bad...and Christians who hold power must be swept out by a new multicultural tide"

Gibson thinks it's a matter of national urgency that, in decades to come, white people will be a minority in America. Now, name any white power group, be it Stormfront, the KKK, the Aryan Nation, or the Neo-Nazis and tell me if the collective talking points aren't oh so eerily similar.
<br>It's one thing for O'Reilly and Gibson to roll out their annual &quot;War on Christmas&quot; comedy spoofs. It's one thing for the network to be the unabashed mouthpiece for the Republican government and the Bush administration. But it's another thing entirely for FNC's pundits to literally encourage white power.
<br>But at least they're out in the open with dwindling ratings and almost zero credibility as a legitimate news source. And it'll only get worse once they roll out the seizure-inducing graphics package heralding:
<br><strong>FOX NEWS PRESENTS! The War On Darkies!</strong> Gibson offering tips on how to generate the &quot;whitest sperm&quot;. O'Reilly belting out Talking Point Memos about how to tell if your neighbor is a mud person -- or simply covered in mud. Sean Hannity shouting &quot;packow! packow!&quot; whilst blasting fire hoses at minorities from his really cool helicopter. Geraldo will leave the network, of course. Maybe he'll jump over to PAX -- the only network to not have employed him so far.
<br>Yes, it's all so funny, isn't it? Actually it's not. Unless I'm very wrong, hate speech and white power is going mainstream. Again. And I, for one, welcome Fox News to be the leader on this one. I don't think they should be fined or pulled off the air. I think they ought to be allowed to prance around in pointy hoods and arm bands and shown for who they really are. Then as their ratings continue to drop and their advertisers abandon them, we can be satisfied that justice has been served in America.
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Yes, it's all so funny, isn't it? Actually it's not. Unless I'm very wrong, hate speech and white power is going mainstream. Again. And I, for one, welcome Fox News to be the leader on this one. I don't think they should be fined or pulled off the air. I think they ought to be allowed to prance around in pointy hoods and arm bands and shown for who they really are. Then as their ratings continue to drop and their advertisers abandon them, we can be satisfied that justice has been served in America.

I understand where this guy is coming from but he obviously forgot the last time hate speech and white power went mainstream during the Rep. Revolution in the 90's Tim McVeigh blew up a federal building killing 300 people and black churches in the South went up in smoke. We don't want hate going mainstream there are too many people who would take that stuff literally and act on it but it would be nice if FOX was exposed as the race baiting network they are.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
No surprise that the White Population is shrinking.

More and more Snowflakes are hooking up with brotha's and poppin' out Bi-racial babies, and the Religous Fundamentals are pushing to end Abortion.



Rising Star
Super Moderator
<font size="5"><center>Beware: the new goths are coming</font size></center>

The Sunday Times - Britain
The Sunday Times June 11, 2006
By Peter Almond

ONE of Britain’s most senior military strategists has warned that western civilisation faces a threat on a par with the barbarian invasions that destroyed the Roman empire.

In an apocalyptic vision of security dangers, Rear Admiral Chris Parry said future migrations would be comparable to the Goths and Vandals while north African "barbary" pirates could be attacking yachts and beaches in the Mediterranean within 10 years.

Europe, including Britain, could be undermined by large immigrant groups with little allegiance to their host countries — a "reverse colonisation" as Parry described it. These groups would stay connected to their homelands by the internet and cheap flights. The idea of assimilation was becoming redundant, he said.

The warnings by Parry of what could threaten Britain over the next 30 years were delivered to senior officers and industry experts at a conference last week. Parry, head of the development, concepts and doctrine centre at the Ministry of Defence, is charged with identifying the greatest challenges that will frame national security policy in the future.

If a security breakdown occurred, he said, it was likely to be brought on by environmental destruction and a population boom, coupled with technology and radical Islam. The result for Britain and Europe, Parry warned, could be "like the 5th century Roman empire facing the Goths and the Vandals".

Parry pointed to the mass migration which disaster in the Third World could unleash. "The diaspora issue is one of my biggest current concerns," he said. "Globalisation makes assimilation seem redundant and old-fashioned . . . [the process] acts as a sort of reverse colonisation, where groups of people are self-contained, going back and forth between their countries, exploiting sophisticated networks and using instant communication on phones and the internet."

Third World instability would lick at the edges of the West as pirates attacked holidaymakers from fast boats. "At some time in the next 10 years it may not be safe to sail a yacht between Gibraltar and Malta," said the admiral.

Parry, 52, an Oxford graduate who was mentioned in dispatches in the Falklands war, is not claiming all the threats will come to fruition. He is warning, however, of what is likely to happen if dangers are not addressed by politicians.

Parry — who used the slogan "old dog, new tricks" when he commanded the assault ship HMS Fearless — foresees wholesale moves by the armed forces to robots, drones, nanotechnology, lasers, microwave weapons, space-based systems and even "customised" nuclear and neutron bombs.

Lord Boyce, the former chief of the defence staff, welcomed Parry’s analysis. "Bringing it together in this way shows we have some very serious challenges ahead," he said. "The real problem is getting them taken seriously at the top of the government."

Ancient Rome has been a subject of serious public discussion this year. Boris Johnson, the Conservative MP and journalist, produced a book and television series drawing parallels between the European Union and the Roman empire. Terry Jones, the former Monty Python star, meanwhile, has spoken up for the barbarians’ technological and social achievements in a television series and has written:

We actually owe far more to the so-called ‘barbarians’ than we do to the men in togas."

Parry, based in Shrivenham, Wiltshire, presented his vision at the Royal United Services Institute in central London. He identified the most dangerous flashpoints by overlaying maps showing the regions most threatened by factors such as agricultural decline, booming youth populations, water shortages, rising sea levels and radical Islam.

Parry predicts that as flood or starvation strikes, the most dangerous zones will be Africa, particularly the northern half; most of the Middle East and central Asia as far as northern China; a strip from Nepal to Indonesia; and perhaps eastern China.

He pinpoints 2012 to 2018 as the time when the current global power structure is likely to crumble. Rising nations such as China, India, Brazil and Iran will challenge America’s sole superpower status.

The effects will be magnified as borders become more porous and some areas sink beyond effective government control.

Parry expects the world population to grow to about 8.4 billion in 2035, compared with 6.4 billion today. By then some 68% of the population will be urban, with some giant metropolises becoming ungovernable. He warns that Mexico City could be an example.

In an effort to control population growth, some countries may be tempted to copy China’s "one child" policy. This, with the widespread preference for male children, could lead to a ratio of boys to girls of as much as 150 to 100 in some countries. This will produce dangerous surpluses of young men with few economic prospects and no female company.

"When you combine the lower prospects for communal life with macho youth and economic deprivation you tend to get trouble, typified by gangs and organised criminal activity," said Parry. "When one thinks of 20,000 so-called jihadists currently fly-papered in Iraq, one shudders to think where they might go next."

The competition for resources, Parry argues, may lead to a return to "industrial warfare" as countries with large and growing male populations mobilise armies, even including cavalry, while acquiring high-technology weaponry from the West.

The subsequent mass population movements, Parry argues, could lead to the "Rome scenario". The western Roman empire collapsed in the 4th and 5th centuries as groups such as Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Suevi, Huns and Vandals surged over its borders. The process culminated in the sack of Rome in 455 by Geiseric the Lame, king of the Alans and Vandals, in an invasion from north Africa.

Parry estimated at the conference there were already more than 70 diasporas in Britain.

In the future, he believes, large groups that become established in Britain and Europe after mass migration may develop "communities of interest" with unstable or anti-western regions.

Any technological advantage developed to deal with the threats was unlikely to last. "I don’t think we can win in cyberspace — it’s like the weather — but we need to have a raincoat and an umbrella to deal with the effects," said Parry.

Some of the consequences would be beyond human imagination to tackle. The examples he gave, tongue-in-cheek, include: "No wind on land and sea; third of population dies instantly; perpetual darkness; sores; Euphrates dries up ‘to clear way for kings from the east’; earth’s core opens."


Rear Admiral Chris Parry is the armed forces’ chief “blue skies” thinker.

Parry, 52, was educated at the independent Portsmouth grammar school and at Jesus College, Oxford. During the Falklands war in 1982, he was mentioned in dispatches while serving with the Fleet Air Arm on the destroyer HMS Antrim.

Parry is one of Britain’s leading specialists on amphibious warfare. He once commanded the assault ship HMS Fearless, was in charge of amphibious warfare training at Portsmouth naval base and headed a joint British-Dutch taskforce before moving to his post at the Ministry of Defence.

The admiral heads the development, concepts and doctrine centre, set up in 1998 and based at Shrivenham, Wiltshire. It has more than 50 staff and is being expanded to include extra analysts.



Transparent, tasteless, odorless
OG Investor
An assist from my post on the main board:









Original post:



He may have looked like he was joking....but he was DEAD serious. This has been projected for years...now that it's a shocking reality white people are getting nervous as hell....


Why White People Are Afraid


It may seem self-indulgent to talk about the fears of white people in a white-supremacist society. After all, what do white people really have to be afraid of in a world structured on white privilege? It may be self-indulgent, but it's critical to understand because these fears are part of what keeps many white people from confronting ourselves and the system.

The first, and perhaps most crucial, fear is that of facing the fact that some of what we white people have is unearned. It's a truism that we don't really make it on our own; we all have plenty of help to achieve whatever we achieve. That means that some of what we have is the product of the work of others, distributed unevenly across society, over which we may have little or no control individually. No matter how hard we work or how smart we are, we all know -- when we are honest with ourselves -- that we did not get where we are by merit alone. And many white people are afraid of that fact.

Read the whole article here: http://www.alternet.org/story/36892/
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Good post................

My question is, if this is a fact. What do you think whites will do to stop it?


Superstar *****
BGOL Investor
Is Anti-White Bias a Problem? - White Folks Shouldn't Worry!!!

Is Anti-White Bias a Problem?
A new study says whites think discrimination against them is a bigger problem than anti-black bias. Is this surprising?

White Folks Shouldn't Worry

by Paul Butler
Paul Butler, a former federal prosecutor, is an associate dean and the Carville Dickinson Benson Research Professor of Law at George Washington University.

May 23, 2011


When I got admitted to Yale and to Harvard Law School, and then received my professorship at a top law school, I probably was taking up a white person’s space. Sure, I was “qualified,” but without diversity programs like affirmative action, African-Americans rarely end up in elite institutions. Twenty years before I got to any of those places, they were virtually all white. So, yes, when this black man got his, some random white person lost out.

Racism is not a zero-sum game, but opportunities for limited resources are. This includes jobs that pay well and a quality education. When white people perceive that they are disadvantaged by a level playing field, they are correct. We’ve always known that anti-black bias is purposeful; it turns out, though, that the object isn’t to protect white women’s purity. It’s the economy, stupid.

But, lest anyone worry, white folks, comparatively speaking, are doing just fine. Blacks are twice as likely to be unemployed. Six African-Americans head Fortune 500 companies. Of those businesses, 480 are run by whites. We have one black president, and almost one million black people in prison.

Given how much worse off African-Americans are than whites, the most surprising thing is that many blacks believe there has been so much racial progress. Based on the facts, their optimism is as unfounded as the white’s pessimism. President Obama’s “yes, we can” fervor seems to be contagious, even if it mainly applies to him. But the president certainly understands that many white folks believe that anti-black bias is a historic relic. That’s why, needing their votes, he doesn’t talk about it.

But failing to acknowledge racism does not make it go away. It does not diminish the punishing weight of race on the life outcomes of most African-Americans. How many white people wish they were black? In an opinion lambasting affirmative action, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia wrote “there are no debtor or creditor races.” But he was wrong. African-Americans still are owed big time.

Selected reader comments below

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#1 - Sleater

My question is, why was your space a "white person's space"? If you're qualified, and you eminently are, then it was your space, or a woman's space, or another person of color's space, a space for a person who offered the skills and expertise that you offer. Your university is lucky to have you. I hear where you're coming from, but the premise is one I hope we keep challenging, as you do in your work, as we move forward as a nation.

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#40 - misha78
west hollywood

The problem is not whether or not more should be done for African Americans (it should as blacks are still underrepresented in most fields), but how the help should be rendered. In my organization there is resentment from whites towards blacks. Not because blacks are given a few extra points towards securing a position. Really, no one has a problem with that. As the writer points out, how many whites would trade places with their black counterparts and experience not just the moment of point privilege, but the lifetime of other disadvantages? The problem is that even after given the position, blacks are treated differently. If a white worker is doing something sub-par, it is pointed out and documented on their evaluation. If a black person does the same, white supervisors look the other way. No white supervisor wants to be accused of being a racist so they do nothing just to play it safe (yes, blacks frequently play the race card when it comes time to evaluations). Frankly, I can't imagine a system more racist than that. Blacks are bullying white supervisors into letting them be sub-par. They are basically saying that blacks can't do any better so let them just poke along however they can. White supervisors shrug and agree, asking white workers to pick up the slack. Blacks don't object to this form of racism because it makes life easier in the day to day. But how will this ever change deep rooted feelings of racism? If whites feel like their black coworkers aren't equals, but charity cases, that is going to perpetuate the problem. Why not develop mentorship programs instead? Everybody pitches in, the company benefits (stock prices gain along with productivity) and there are no charity cases, just coworkers helping each other and expecting everyone to pull their weight once mentored?

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#10 - johnwerneken

Dr. Butler is correct. Black Americans are OWED, BIG-TIME. How can it be otherwise when for over 400 years Black people in this country have been enslaved, lynched, Jim Crowed, moved to the back of the bus, excluded from occupations, neighborhoods, and institutions, and generally suspected by the majority of being dangerous, lazy, untrustworthy, and conniving? Granted quite a few of these practices have been abolished, become rare, or become covert rather than overt, but the legacy of these practices is a vast difference in wealth, in income, and in choice of occupation or residence.

Is it any surprise that the Black family is under pressure, further disadvantaging future generations of Black Americans?

Doing anything about this that was both effective and likely over time to become accepted, and not the cause of new forms of discrimination and disadvantage, would not be easy at all. A large cash transfer in reparations would be a good start. Which would require literally decreasing the ability of others to live in enormous houses, to drive ostentatious vehicles long distances, and to surround themselves with all manner of toys and status symbols. I assume this to be politically impossible, absent the forcible overthrow of the American Government through invasion or civil war.

Now that globalization has punctured the ability of the majority to feel secure in a rich man’s world, conflict and deep division are likely to increase in American society. I suppose it is conceivable that Blacks, poor and working class whites, Hispanics, and the remaining white middle class might make common cause for economic justice. But I won’t hold my breath.

By the way I am white.

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#15 - johnny creel
birmingham alabama

Wow Professor, your last line says it all, "African-Americans still are owed big time". This is the 500 pound chip that many of your race continue to carry on their shoulders. Sure, I do not know one white person who would like to be black. That is one important that I will concede. However, I do know of millions of black Africans who are literally dying for the chance to come to the United States to be "oppressed" by whitey. If it is so bad here, why haven't you or any of your fellow African Americans left this racist hell hole we call the United States to go back home to the Motherland? The answer is simple! You got it better here than anywhere else in the world. Therefore, "stop your whining and complaining". It really is so feeble and tiresome.

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#19 - m.e.

Privileged, sheltered white people have a hard time understanding that the effects of racism on opportunity can last generations, even while most white individuals have been decent enough and taken the trouble to acknowledge that black people are not, in fact, fundamentally inferior. Instead of outright white supremacy, we have mainly sheer ignorance.

No white person was more entitled to your spot at Yale than you were, and it is frustrating to see people still thinking in such terms, as though we aren't all on the same team. As though broadening the reaches of opportunity actually hurts society somehow.

I think it is in absolutely everyone's interest to see minority communities thrive. Inequality and perceived inequality lead to racial tension that perpetuates poverty, crime and more inequality. This diminishes the nation's resources and diminishes opportunity for everyone. In the short term, some random white children of privilege may not get exactly what they thought was coming to them, but in the long term, affirmative action is one step towards actively building a more prosperous nation for all.

We'll know it's unnecessary when it is no longer noticeable.

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Cantankerous Bastid
BGOL Investor
Re: Is Anti-White Bias a Problem? - White Folks Shouldn't Worry!!!

Good read. I've always seen the myth of white oppression as a rallying cry to return to open racism and oppression of black people and other minorities.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Conservative Republican Is Worried About Whites Becoming Extinct

Don't blame anyone else if they have weak sperm!:lol:

<IFRAME height=349 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iJ2HgnQ2WT0" frameBorder=0 width=425 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Re: Conservative Republican Is Worried About Whites Becoming Extinct

Minority babies almost the majority​



By Haya El Nasser
August 26, 2011

White infants are on the verge of being displaced as the majority of newborns now that nearly half of babies in the USA are ethnic and racial minorities.

<SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00">Only 50.2% of babies under age 1 are white</span> and not Hispanic, according to the 2010 Census — a sharp decline from 57.6% just 10 years earlier.

"We are almost at a minority-majority infant population," says Brookings Institution demographer William Frey, who analyzed the latest Census data. "We probably have passed it since the Census was taken" in April 2010.

The number of states where minority babies dominate has doubled to 14 since 2000. The balance has tipped in big states such as New York, Florida, New Jersey and Georgia.

Minorities have been the majority in Texas and California nurseries for more than two decades. In Texas, the majority of people under age 47 are minorities, in California, under 52.

Steady growth in the number of young U.S. Hispanics who have more children than whites is shrinking the ranks of non-Hispanic whites.

The shift is dramatic in states such as Florida and Nevada, where whites are in the minority among those younger than 38. A decade earlier, whites were the majority in all age groups in Florida and in Nevada, among all those above age 3.

In rural areas, the number of white children declined by more than 1 million or almost 10% from 2000 to 2010, says Kenneth Johnson, demographer at the University of New Hampshire's Carsey Institute.

The number of young white women of child-bearing age is declining while there is an increase in minority women of child-bearing age, Johnson says.

In Georgia's Whitfield County, home of Dalton, the "Carpet Capital of the World," more than 59% of infants were minorities in 2010 compared with 38.4% in 2000.

The area's floor-covering industry has attracted so many Hispanics that the North Georgia Health District, based in Dalton, has brought in translators and prints materials in Spanish, says Jennifer King, public information officer.

The nationwide changes are redefining who is a minority and who is not.

<SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00">"These little babies … by the time they get to be in their 20s and 30s, the current racial and ethnic categories … won't have anything close to the meaning that (they have) today," Frey says.

"When they think about white majority, it'll be something in the history books."




Rising Star
Super Moderator

Minorities are the new majority

Minorities are the majority in 22 of the 100 largest U.S. metropolitan regions.
The Washington area is one of eight newcomers (in bold below) to the list since 2000.
To see how your area has changed, visit our interactive census map and search for
your location.



Rising Star
Super Moderator
<IFRAME SRC="http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/minorities-become-a-majority-in-washington-region/2011/08/30/gIQADobxqJ_story.html?hpid=z4" WIDTH=780 HEIGHT=1500>
<A HREF="http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/minorities-become-a-majority-in-washington-region/2011/08/30/gIQADobxqJ_story.html?hpid=z4">link</A>



Rising Star
Super Moderator

See also the thread: Census: White majority in U.S. gone by 2043

source: NBC News

For the first time, America's racial and ethnic minorities now make up about half of the under-5 age group, the government said Thursday. It's a historic shift that shows how young people are at the forefront of sweeping changes by race and class.

Based on current rates of growth, whites in the under-5 group are expected to tip to a minority this year or next, Thomas Mesenbourg, the Census Bureau's acting director, said.



Rising Star
Super Moderator

White Man March
Aims to Fight "White Genocide" in NYC


As part of a last-ditch effort to preserve the sanctity of the race, the White Man March has been planned for New York City this weekend.

The event, created by 30-year-old Amherst graduate Kyle Hunt, aims to fight the secret "anti-white agenda" that's apparently marginalizing the white male. Let Hunt tell it, diversity is the equivalent of "white genocide," which must come to an end:

We will make it clear that we will not sit idly by as our race is discriminated against, mocked, displaced, and violently attacked, all of which amount to white genocide, according to the United Nation’s own definition of genocide. This is why one of our big messages, which will be displayed on many large banners, is “DIVERSITY” = WHITE GENOCIDE. These banners will spread the message to the public at large in the most effective way possible.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Zq8oA_CbXyc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

As Gothamist notes, Hunt is at least reasonable enough to realize that organizing something like this will be difficult. That's why he's relying on the assistance of white supremacist allies for help with the New York City march. (This is apparently a "worldwide event.") Although you have to email them for information—like the location—Gothamist says there's a strong possibility it will be held outside the Plaza Hotel (59th Street and 5th Avenue).

Here's the preferred attire for all beleaguered Aryan "victims":

If you are a man, put on a pair of light khakis and a nice dress shirt. It should almost look like you are a groomsman at a wedding. Or maybe like an avenging Aryan angel. Women, you know how to look great in white.

You could also wear sunglasses. Ancient warriors knew that a mask covering the eyes offers protection, but also provides the wearer with extra confidence. Sunglasses can intimidate others who cannot see your eyes, while making you seem cool and collected.

Don't forget those sunglasses, because "seeming" confident is essential to this effort, as well as a required accessory to the fashionable white supremacist's uniform. But what if they're black sunglasses?

<object width="575" height="324"><param name="movie" value="http://videoplayer.vevo.com/embed/Embedded?videoId=USCA38400003&playlist=false&autoplay=0&playerId=null&playerType=embedded&env=0&cultureName=en_us&cultureIsRTL=False"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://videoplayer.vevo.com/embed/Embedded?videoId=USCA38400003&playlist=false&autoplay=0&playerId=null&playerType=embedded&env=0&cultureName=en_us&cultureIsRTL=False" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="575" height="324" bgcolor="#000000" wmode="transparent"></embed></object>​

Whatever the turnout is for this "event," there are no real winners, but don't expect too much of anything. Considering Hunt's educational background—a double major in psychology and theater and dance—expect a lot of talking, and a figurative song and dance about the plight of the white male in America across the globe.

[via Gothamist]




Rising Star
Super Moderator

Worldwide ‘White Man March’ draws 10 people
and ‘Diversity = White Genocide’ signs​


By David Edwards
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Police in Birmingham believe that six signs saying diversity will lead to white genocide are connected to a group called “White Man March,” and their attempt to stage a “worldwide” protest on Saturday.

According to AL.com, the “diversity = white genocide” were found hanging along interstates throughout the city on Saturday.


“We just removed the signs,” Birmingham Police Lt. Sean Edwards noted. “We don’t want stuff like that. We want to remove it quickly. We don’t want to alarm the citizens. We don’t welcome that type of mentality and behavior here.”

“White Man March” organizer Kyle Hunt had been calling for supporters to hang the signs as part of a “coordinated pro-white activity” on March 15.

“The purpose is to spread information through activism, but also to make a statement that White people are united in their love for their race and in their opposition to its destruction,” Hunt’s website explains.

The site adds: “We will make it clear that we will not sit idly by as our race is discriminated against, mocked, displaced, and violently attacked, all of which amount to white genocide, according to the United Nation’s own definition of genocide. This is why one of our big messages, which will be displayed on many large banners, is ‘DIVERSITY” = WHITE GENOCIDE.’ These banners will spread the message to the public at large in the most effective way possible. This “diversity” agenda is being directed at white countries (and only at white countries) with various programs to ensure that there are less white people at schools and in the work force, which is unfair and discriminatory, taking away money and opportunities from the White citizens. ‘Diversity’ is a codeword for White Genocide.”

Hunt recently told Vice that he could be “president of the United States in 2020, but for right now I am supporting some pro-White candidates from the American Freedom Party.”

Cincinnati.com reported that only 10 people showed up at intersection in Florence on Saturday for the so-called “march.” No other marches were reported in the media during Saturday’s worldwide event.

Watch the video below from Cincinnati.com, broadcast March 15, 2014.

<iframe src="http://videos.rawstory.com/video/White-Man-March/player?layout=&amp;read_more=1" width="416" height="321" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>​

SOURCE: RAW STORYhttp://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/03/...10-people-and-diversity-white-genocide-signs/



Superstar *****
BGOL Investor

The self-inflicted “demise” of middle aged ‘white people’ in the U.S. is an uniquely American phenomenon.


All-cause mortality, ages 45 to 54 for US White non-Hispanics (USW),
US Hispanics (USH), and six comparison countries: France (FRA), Germany (GER), the United Kingdom (UK), Canada (CAN), Australia (AUS), and Sweden (SWE).

After about a century of gains in US mortality rates, one group is now seeing a stark turnaround: middle-aged white people.

READ: Middle-aged white Americans are dying

Worldwide, due to low birth rates, ‘white people’ are a dying breed. The mega-trends outlined in the article below from 2005 have only accelerated since. This extinction phenomenon has imbued many ‘white people’ with a caustic belligerence toward so-called ‘people-of-color’. 24/7 racist hate radio bloviators like Rush, Savage, Beck, Levin, et al. and the <s>FOX</s> FAKE News channel whose viewers are 99% white constantly tell their white viewers & listeners that all their problems, and bitterness about how their adult lives have turned out is all the fault of ‘people-of-color’.
Last edited:


Superstar *****
BGOL Investor

Fewer Births Than Deaths Among Whites in
Majority of U.S. States

by Sabrina Tavernise | June 20th 2018 | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/20/us/white-minority-population.html

WASHINGTON — Deaths now outnumber births among white people in more than half the states in the country, demographers have found, signaling what could be a faster-than-expected transition to a future in which whites are no longer a majority of the American population.

The Census Bureau has projected that whites could drop below 50 percent of the population around 2045, a relatively slow-moving change that has been years in the making. But a new report this week found that whites are dying faster than they are being born now in 26 states, up from 17 just two years earlier, and demographers say that shift might come even sooner.

“It’s happening a lot faster than we thought,” said Rogelio Sáenz, a demographer at the University of Texas at San Antonio and a co-author of the report. It examines the period from 1999 to 2016 using data from the National Center for Health Statistics, the federal agency that tracks births and deaths. He said he was so surprised at the finding that at first he thought it was a mistake.


fertility rates dropped drastically after the Great Recession and mortality rates for whites who are not of Hispanic origin have been rising, driven partly by drug overdoses. That has put demographic change on a faster track. The list of states where white deaths outnumber births now includes North Carolina and Ohio.

The change has broad implications for identity and for the country’s political and economic life, transforming a mostly white baby boomer society into a multiethnic and racial patchwork. A majority of the youngest Americans are already nonwhite and look less like older generations than at any point in modern American history. In California, 52 percent of all children are living in homes with at least one immigrant parent, Professor Sáenz said.

What does it mean for the political map? Some experts say that rapid demographic change became a potent issue in the 2016 presidential race — and helped drive white voters to support Donald J. Trump.

Of the 26 states where deaths now exceed births for whites, 13 voted for Mr. Trump and 13 voted for Hillary Clinton. Four are states that flipped from President Barack Obama in 2012 to Mr. Trump in 2016 — Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida. But it is not clear how demographic change will affect politics in the future.

“People say demographics is destiny and there’ll be more people of color — all that is true,” said Jennifer Richeson, a social psychologist at Yale University. “But they also say the U.S. is going to become more progressive, and we don’t know that. We should not assume that white moderates and liberals will maintain current political allegiances, nor should we expect that the so-called nonwhite group is going to work in any kind of coalition.”

At its most basic level, the change is about population, but each state is experiencing it differently.

Florida was the first state where white deaths outstripped births around 1993, largely because it was drawing a lot of retirees. But its population has been one of the fastest growing in the nation. Retirees have kept coming, replenishing the white population, and its large Hispanic population has helped lift the state over all. The median age for Hispanics in the United States is 29, prime for child bearing, compared with 43 for whites.

Deaths began to exceed births for whites countrywide in 2016, according to the report. But in many states, as in Florida, white people moving in made up the losses. However, in 17 states, including California, Michigan, New Jersey and Ohio, those migrants weren’t enough and the white populations declined between 2015 and 2016, said Kenneth M. Johnson, a demographer at the University of New Hampshire and the report’s other author. Five of those states registered drops in their total populations that year: Vermont, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Mississippi and Connecticut.


The aging of the white population began in rural counties long before it ever took hold in an entire state. Martin County, a bear-shaped patch of eastern North Carolina, first experienced it in the late 1970s. In recent years, deaths have exceed births among its black population, too.

“There are just hardly any young people in the county anymore,” said Michael Brown, 66, a retired hospital maintenance worker in Robersonville. His two daughters went away to college and never moved back — a typical pattern for young people from the county. “We are the last generation who stayed with their parents,” said Mr. Brown.

Fewer young families means fewer children. Christopher Mansfield, the county’s superintendent of schools, said the county has lost about 40 percent of its school-age population since the late 1990s. In those days, the county had 12 public schools, he said. Soon it will have eight.

The county now has what Dr. Mansfield calls “bookend” demographics, with a large population bulge over the age of 50 and another one under the age of 19. The prime working-age population is small in comparison.

Mr. Brown is practical about this change. He loved growing up in the county and is grateful he was able to care for his parents when they were ill from his house across the street. But America is changing and society is not really set up that way anymore. He and his wife plan to move to Atlanta next year to be near their daughter, a pharmacist.

Despite demographic change, whites — and in particular less educated whites — will still make up the bulk of eligible voters in the country for a while. Whites without a bachelor’s degree will make up 44 percent of eligible voters in 2020, said Ruy Teixeira, a political scientist who did a broad study of demography and politics this spring. College-educated whites will be about 23 percent. Mr. Teixeira said Republicans could continue to win presidential elections and lose the popular vote through 2036 if they did even better among whites who had not graduated from college, while other voting patterns held steady.

That is giving politicians incentives to emphasize issues, like immigration and race, where there are the biggest differences in views by education. A class divide has been growing for years among whites. In 1988, there was no difference between whites with a college degree and those without, Mr. Teixeira said. Both voted for George Bush over Michael Dukakis by a 20-point margin. By 2016, Mrs. Clinton lost noncollege whites by 31 points, double Mr. Obama’s 2012 loss, while carrying college-educated whites by seven points.

“This is a real sea change,” Mr. Teixeira said. “This is why Republicans have been able to weather these demographic changes, entirely on the backs of white noncollege voters.”

Some experts argue that the transition to a white minority might be much further off than the numbers suggest. The Census Bureau counts any person who is of mixed race or ethnicity as nonwhite, and experts say this can underestimate whites in the population. For example, the child of a white mother and Hispanic father would be counted as Hispanic, even though research shows that many such mixed children — about 11 percent of all births, according to Richard Alba, a sociologist at the City University of New York — are not unlike white children in terms of residence, family income, schooling and eventually, marriage.

“The Census Bureau is trying to apply a 20th-century conception of race and ethnicity on a situation that’s fundamentally changing,” Professor Alba said. The rapid rise of racial and ethnic mixing has led to a generation of young people whose identities are fluid, but who often “lean white,” he said. “You could think of them as kind of integrating into a kind of white mainstream.”



Rising Star
Super Moderator
Is Anti-White Bias a Problem?
A new study says whites think discrimination against them is a bigger problem than anti-black bias. Is this surprising?
White Folks Shouldn't Worry

Is Anti-White Bias a Problem? - White Folks Shouldn't Worry!!!

Is Anti-White Bias a Problem?
A new study says whites think discrimination against them is a bigger problem than anti-black bias. Is this surprising?
White Folks Shouldn't Worry

Is this what they’ve thinking . . .
