Writers Needed For BlackSportsOnline

Michael Angelo

OG Investor
Because of the expansion we have some new opportunities come up..so if you are interested read the FAQs and hit me up.. robert.littal@blacksportsonline.com


1- Will I get paid?

No, currently while the site is doing very well the adversting money that we do make is not enough at this time to even cover the cost of keeping the site up and during our own advertising to keep new readers coming. When the time comes when our expenses are less than what we are making we will address the issues of putting people on payroll.

2- What do I have to write about?

One of the best things about the site is that we have no restrictions. You can write about whatever you want. We only require when you are doing opinion pieces that you back up your opinions with facts. We don't condone slam jobs for personal reasons, so if you are going to take a player or team to task you need to have some good reasons.

3- How often would I have to submit an article?

We realize that everyone is busy and since we are not paying you it may not be your top priority as say your real job, but we do require at least one article a week. We are flexible in that if you can't do one, one week that is understandable, but to keep the site fresh an up to date we like to change out the articles on a weekly basis.

4- Do I have to edit my own article?


5- How many people come to site?

Right now we are averaging about 10,000 hits a day and growing.

Let me know if you have any other questions

Coach K

Hey, I'm interested. I am finishing up my last semester of school and I'm a COMM major so I'll help. I'm more into NFL though.