Why Dealing With Indian Recruiters is Futile for Domestic Workers


Transnational Member


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Transnational Member
Most of the calls are from a person originating from India, but will have a website and telephone that mislead you into believing they are local. I am pretty sure white recruiters have used this tactic to get their guy into a company but there is no jurisdiction for EEOC discrimination claims if the person is located in India. The U.S. company accepting the candidates for consideration from these firms could face liability, they could require the company to have all candidate apply directly with the company.



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Transnational Member
I know alot of you are in the IT industry and have run across this, here is some intel of what these clowns are doing. They have spread this garbage to other industries impacting my job search. I finally found this article above giving some insight into their tactics which are quite sophisticated.

If the recruiter is violating civil or criminal law, it would be a long process to extradite, nullifying hard fought Civil Rights protections. I have found that most of the recruiters either are unable to get your hired, or it is some criminal scheme directly targeting you.


The best way to filter them out is to request recruiters that are domestically based with U.S. citizenship to handle your sensitive information. Many times I will find the jobs on the company website after I get the information from the recruiter and apply directly myself bypassing the scamster. If the company replies to your application, than inform them of your relationship with the Indian staffing company. I believe they are colluding with somebody on the inside with this scheme.
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