Rest in peace my sister….I hope he get the death penalty


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What did he lure her with? Look how close his eyes are, I’m surprised he’s attracted to women outside his family.
these chicks go out here zaddy chasing, thinkin shit is sweet....
prolly lured her with the promise of droppin a bag on her.
You'd be surprised how many chicks are quick and willing to hop in man's car if they think he got the bag......


Rising Star
It's a new generation of black folks who haven't been taught this is ultimately what happens when you fuck with a white man... And Jonathan Majors is what ultimately happens when you fuck with a white chick.
with Johnathon, he had nobody to watch his and defend his characther, most people nowadays insist we bring extra people to make the night goes right. this man would never been alble to pull this off if there were more people there


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Some women are naturally attracted to scruffy looking older guys, but then you also have what's known as the self-proclaimed bag chasers, women who escort on the low on various dating apps, instead of escort sites. They'll go meet up at a restaurant 1st after receiving an initial deposit, then go to his place or a hotel to feel a little less "whorish". They're explanation. Not victim-blaiming, just explaining.

Banking info and/or payment app info will confirm whether this was a escort on the low situation gone awry.

Anyways, let's see how the details play out...
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This sister didn’t deserve this and this cac shit is the reason she’s gone. Getting on a dating app shouldn’t warrant death.

Name someone who deserves this? If your saying she didnt deserve, then that means some women do. so who?

The reason she is gone is because she made a horrible stupid decision. Some of yall dont want to hear that. But she put her hand in the mouth of that cac snake..

My Older sister was killed by a black man. She made a mistake and lost her life. Warranted has nothing to do with accountability.

You go to a absolute strangers house, you are accountable for your life. Even the app makes you sign away your life. The app holds you accountable for your death.

We cannot continue to run from accountablitiy like its some disgrace to say "do not do that." We have to use these examples of bad decision making as a teaching point to our daughters. Cuz the CAC is never going to change. Nothing you can do to better them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A brother killed a white jogger national news. An illegal immigrant kills a white chick national news. Let's see if this becomes national news.
you should know which stories will be the featured. The people you support are the same ones that determine what stories are on the news. We already see which stories they decide to promote :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
cac’s been doing this forever, remember pics on milk cartons!

There is a LONG list of CAC serial killers.
On a first date? she went home with him?

Harry Powers --
In the 1930s Harry Powers used several aliases to correspond with lonely women he promised to marry. In 1931 five bodies were discovered on his Quiet Dell, West Virginia farm that was dubbed The Murder Farm.

Philip Markoff --
Markoff had been one of the many murderers using online dating to trap escorts. In fact, in 2016 it was estimated that over 100 murderers had used Craigslist personals to murder prostitutes.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Name someone who deserves this? If your saying she didnt deserve, then that means some women do. so who?

The reason she is gone is because she made a horrible stupid decision. Some of yall dont want to hear that. But she put her hand in the mouth of that cac snake..

My Older sister was killed by a black man. She made a mistake and lost her life. Warranted has nothing to do with accountability.

You go to a absolute strangers house, you are accountable for your life. Even the app makes you sign away your life. The app holds you accountable for your death.

We cannot continue to run from accountablitiy like its some disgrace to say "do not do that." We have to use these examples of bad decision making as a teaching point to our daughters. Cuz the CAC is never going to change. Nothing you can do to better them.
He deserves this. Anybody who would committ a act like this deserves this fuck you talking about?

We make terrible decisions all the time. Sometimes we live to fight another day sometimes we don't. But she's a victim here let's remember that. This cac fuck did it. Your sister was a victim. I don't care what mistake she made.

I ain't with someone taking accountablity for being murdered. Just gonna agree to disagree there. She did nothing to warrant her life being taken away.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you should know which stories will be the featured. The people you support are the same ones that determine what stories are on the news. We already see which stories they decide to promote :smh:
Keep your cac loving partisan bullshit out of here. You really in here trying pull this team politics shit? Man carry your ass over to Truth Social with them Trump boys. I hear they serving butter biscuits over there.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member

There's nothing but black erasure by hopping the fence.
In many cases, it's either your culture or your life.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Once the men in the family get over the grief, go after his family, one by one. Even if he is found guilty, he still gets to live in prison with the white supremacist gangs. Shit like this requires equal force.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Keep your cac loving partisan bullshit out of here. You really in here trying pull this team politics shit? Man carry your ass over to Truth Social with them Trump boys. I hear they serving butter biscuits over there.
That is the primary reason why I put that user on ignore a while ago


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He deserves this. Anybody who would committ a act like this deserves this fuck you talking about?

We make terrible decisions all the time. Sometimes we live to fight another day sometimes we don't. But she's a victim here let's remember that. This cac fuck did it. Your sister was a victim. I don't care what mistake she made.

I ain't with someone taking accountablity for being murdered. Just gonna agree to disagree there. She did nothing to warrant her life being taken away.
Absolutely Agree to disagree. And as long as we as individuals and as a people continue to not hold ourselves accountable for bad decisions we will stay stuck in the cycle of ignorance.

When a man joins a gang and gets killed, he knows what he got into and is accountable for his decision. He has a percent of fault for joining that gang. A man goes down a dark ally and gets robbed, he knows he has a fault for doing that. He holds himself accountable. She hopped the fence to the white people and went home with a cracker she did not know at all in any way, She has a percent of fault for that decision.

Being a Victim does NOT make you un-accountable for your bad decisions.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Absolutely Agree to disagree. And as long as we as individuals and as a people continue to not hold ourselves accountable for bad decisions we will stay stuck in the cycle of ignorance.

When a man joins a gang and gets killed, he knows what he got into and is accountable for his decision. He has a percent of fault for joining that gang. A man goes down a dark ally and gets robbed, he knows he has a fault for doing that. He holds himself accountable. She hopped the fence to the white people and went home with a cracker she did not know at all in any way, She has a percent of fault for that decision.

Being a Victim does NOT make you un-accountable for your bad decisions.
It hurts me to say this, especially talking about my own black queen, but this is correct. Sometimes some people put themselves in a bad position. Date who you want to date I don’t care but if you going to date outside of your race, make sure that person loves you because if you don’t know them too well you don’t know what the hell you getting yourself into. Rest in peace to my queen she didn’t have to die like this. my brothers this goes for you too because some white women could get your hair cut off if you meet the wrong ones
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It hurts me to say this, especially talking about my own black queen, but this is correct. Sometimes some people put themselves in a bad position. Date who you want to date I don’t care but if you going to date outside of your race, make sure that person loves you because if you don’t know them too well you don’t know what the hell you getting yourself into. Rest in peace to my queen she didn’t have to die like this. my brothers this goes for you too because some white women could get your hair cut off if you meet the wrong ones
exactly. Everytime I see a black guy get robbed, or accused of grape, or loses his life cuz he put himself in a situation with someone, especially a white girl. I think "I hope other black men learn from this"

I am super saddened that this sister died. Heartbreaking.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
Swirlers and divestors have an idealized vision of a white man in their heads and that vision is 99% miles away from reality.

If you're going to swirl, you need to do it with a realistic mindset.
This is 100% correct, it's like they only read/see situations where the white woman is in a good relationship and ignore the situations where white women have dealt with no good white men. These black women really get on social media talking about they've given up on black men and looking for a white man because they treat their women so good. I've seen them saying how white women never have the 50/50 debate because white men are natural providers, it's like they don't see these white women out here working low wage jobs just like every other woman

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
You’re blaming a person and a concept for another man’s disgusting act :hmm:
My statement highlights a growing trend and a new age movement among black women with regard to black women seeking white male companionship.

Majority of the time these black women have no idea how white male society operates as it relates to black women. Most Sisters have never grown up in white society so they can't tell the difference between an evil white man and one who means them no harm.

@Day_Carver please understand I will never make excuses for the evils of white people.

We all know if this same scenario was replaced with a black man, the sister would have her guard up and not be so quick to go to his home on the first time going on a date.


Rising Star
My statement highlights a growing trend and a new age movement among black women with regard to black women seeking white male companionship.

Majority of the time these black women have no idea how white male society operates as it relates to black women. Most Sisters have never grown up in white society so they can't tell the difference between an evil white man and one who means them no harm.

@Day_Carver please understand I will never make excuses for the evils of white people.

We all know if this same scenario was replaced with a black man, the sister would have her guard up and not be so quick to go to his home on the first time going on a date.
I feel ya but I don’t give a fuck about a trend or trends. People date who they date! For whatever reasons! And that should never lead to a fucking death! That is unwarranted and or uncalled for!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You’re blaming a person and a concept for another man’s disgusting act :hmm:
Blaming one person is a huge huge reach. She didnt deserve to die. She did make really bad choices and is accountable for them.

I see DL Hughly posted this story and only some women are saying dont victim blame. So im shocked to see any man here say it. Men know what it is. Women are not rational. The men have to teach them to be rational. Teach them the world and its troubles. If you look at the press conference theres no men speaking for her.

We men also have to take accountability for failing alot of these women. She had no guidance from a man to know not to drink with a stranger, go home with a stranger. Like @doe moe said, she not knowing or ignoring these evils of the white (and world in general) is why this happened. And we are all responsible on some level. The story is absoultely heartbreaking.


Rising Star
Our lives aren't valuable to us.

This is so true. You’d be foolish to think the masses are ever gonna genuinely give two shi+s about us.

How easily we can end a life for a wrong look, a piece of jewelry or being born on the other side of town.

I will always remember when Pamela Stewart died in Boston….they tore thru that city like someone had a cure for aging.

Nvr in my life have I seen this much passion for a Black person.

I guess hundreds of years of this subliminal, surreptitious brain washing gets us to where we are today.

Carry on……


Rising Star
Blaming one person is a huge huge reach. She didnt deserve to die. She did make really bad choices and is accountable for them.

I see DL Hughly posted this story and only some women are saying dont victim blame. So im shocked to see any man here say it. Men know what it is. Women are not rational. The men have to teach them to be rational. Teach them the world and its troubles. If you look at the press conference theres no men speaking for her.

We men also have to take accountability for failing alot of these women. She had no guidance from a man to know not to drink with a stranger, go home with a stranger. Like @doe moe said, she not knowing or ignoring these evils of the white (and world in general) is why this happened. And we are all responsible on some level. The story is absoultely heartbreaking.
women arent rational; no, its people who are not rationale; men do the dumbest shit ever, so does women; its not a woman or man thing; and again her decision, however she came to the conclusion, should not lead to her death! people are fucked up and do fucked up shit; it aint a woman or a man thing; she is only responsible for her actions; hindsite is 20/20...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What did he lure her with? Look how close his eyes are, I’m surprised he’s attracted to women outside his family.
This motherfcuker looks like a cyclops his eyes are so close!!! HE got time with her, but no brothas near by?!?! Those standards fly out the window when Zaddy comes a knockin!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Absolutely Agree to disagree. And as long as we as individuals and as a people continue to not hold ourselves accountable for bad decisions we will stay stuck in the cycle of ignorance.

When a man joins a gang and gets killed, he knows what he got into and is accountable for his decision. He has a percent of fault for joining that gang. A man goes down a dark ally and gets robbed, he knows he has a fault for doing that. He holds himself accountable. She hopped the fence to the white people and went home with a cracker she did not know at all in any way, She has a percent of fault for that decision.

Being a Victim does NOT make you un-accountable for your bad decisions.
While I do caution my brothers and sisters to date within their own race I certainly don’t think it warrants death for doing it. She made a mistake. A mistake doesn’t warrant death.. .


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
19 days until service
May 9th, 2024
Illustration of flowers

raised of $30,000 goal


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From today's hearing, blood found in bedroom and on the walls.
He can't say, someone abducted her on the way home.
No, cant use that defense.

So, I guess officially it's a wrap.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Correction, it's not over.


Sade Robinson Investigation: Blood inside Maxwell Anderson's home was not Robinson's
Posted at 3:23 PM, Apr 22, 2024

and last updated 5:57 PM, Apr 22, 2024

MILWAUKEE — Maxwell Anderson, the man accused of killing and mutilating 19-year-old Sade Robinson, is heading for a jury trial after he waived his right to a preliminary hearing on Monday, April 22.
Anderson pleaded not guilty to the charges against him in Robinson's death.
In court Monday, TMJ4 learned new evidence has come to light involving Robinson.
According to a criminal complaint, blood located on bedding in one of the bedrooms in Anderson's home and on the walls leading towards the basement, originally believed to be Robinson's, does not match Robinson's DNA.

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