Black Women Submit To Black Men!!!

I'm really confused about some of these post in here:confused:I mean in other threads you men put down women who want men to take care of them calling them gold-diggers and shit ... and in this thread you're putting down a woman who can take care of herself:confused:We can never win with you guys:smh:


The real question should be, WHY would a sane, thoughtful, confident black woman want to KEEP A MAN who would expect her to SUBMIT. Your own logic is ass-backwards. It's like the plantation owner saying that there'll be no problems as long as y'all slaves let him be in charge.

Any woman who finds comfort in a man who sees himself as SUPERIOR to her, is asking for trouble. Only WEAK men need to come into a relationship with these types of dumbass RULES, which give him UNEARNED power over his "partner." He's there to SHARE his life with her, not to RULE over her. Only insecure men need to believe that they DESERVE this sort of POWER over women.

Who said submitting to a man is relative to superiority:confused: and who said it is a rule that men come in with.

He's there to SHARE his life with her, not to RULE over her.

No THEY are there to SHARE THEIR lives with each other. Submission has nothing to do with rule. I didn't think you were a woman at first, but now I truly know you are...a misguided one at that. When you need to understand the context of the word submit in a female/male relationship... feel free to ask me. Submission is not a bad thing, Every animal in the animal kingdom does it for protection, order and the sake of preservation. We are animals, we've just got it twisted.

Only insecure men need to believe that they DESERVE this sort of POWER over women

Submission is not about POWER... it is about order....every FAMILY structure, every structure for that matter...DESERVES order. Opinions and statements parallel in a true submissive reltionship, nothing is dictated in a truly submissive relationship. However, the head honcho ensures everything is carried out and whether it fails or succeeds he is willing to take responsibility for that. Without any repercussions due to anyone else...that is submissiveness. It is not intended to RULE over or beat anyone down, it is intended to establish a single point of responsiblity. WOMEN ARE BLAMELESS... they do nothing wrong...and they are unwilling to accept responsiblity for things they do wrong...they cannot be the single point of responsibility.

They are not built EMOTIONALLY for 100% blame all the time.
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the flash

אֱלהִים is king!!!!
OG Investor
Ok, what I'm about to say doesn't have anything to do with me being a Black woman:

Women of all races enjoy not depending on anyone else for what they have. Men of all races enjoy not depending on anyone else for what they have.

This is why we all, well most of us anyway, move out of parent's houses, get our own cars, work our own jobs. It is very childish of anyone to believe that just because a woman is White or any other nationality she would prefer to have her well-being in the hands of someone outside of herself. When you are not in control of your own destiny, it can be taken from you in an instant.

The pride doesn't come from going at it alone, the pride comes from knowing you won't shrivel up and die if you have to go at it alone. Everyone should feel pride in the fact that they are a self sufficient human being.

I don't believe any woman on this board has said in the long run, I'd rather be alone than with a man. But if you expect me to believe that I'm going to allow someone, anyone, to make uncontested decisions on what's best for me and mine or else I'm going to be alone, when I've been doing the same thing for myself since I was old enough to know what a decision was, I can't get with that. Sorry.

sister you are unconsciously doing it now "what's best for me and mine" why cant it be you and his once again a woman steps with me and my attitude:smh:

the flash

אֱלהִים is king!!!!
OG Investor


when we ask a woman to be submissive we are not asking you to be slaves the things is when you hear the word submissive you block anythought other than he is trying to controll me "unt-uh girl"
in the bible it says Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord Ephesians 5:22,
Many women in the modern world balk at this concept because it is so often viewed as a one sided command as opposed to the mutually of a beneficial working relationship God intended in marriage
Ephesians 5:25 states, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her". Wow. Just when you thought women were given a tall order in this passage! God instructs husbands to love their wives with the holy and self-sacrificing love of Christ
If husbands are doing as they have been instructed, they love their wives. They always want what is best for their wives, and they are always working in their wives best interest. If wives are doing as they have been instructed, it is a loving response to what their husbands are already doing for them.
When a husband is working his side of the coin, submitting to him is a joy, a comfort, and just good sense because doing so works in a womans favor. As she respond positively to his acts of love, he is motivated all the more to work on her behalf and express his love for her . . .which then motivates her to respond in kind. In this way, submission need not be seen as demeaning for the wife or as a power trip for the husband. Rather, it is the guideline for a mutually beneficial marital partnership thank you ladies thread over- oh did spell everything corectly?:lol:


anti- voluntary ignorance
BGOL Investor
meanwhile, none of you sistas came in the woman haters thread i made(which i now deleted cause none of you came) :hmm: :smh:


The Get It Girl
BGOL Investor
umm im sorry...but wdf is this bullshit

most black kids are born to single mother familes

so hate to break it to you...but black male leadership is not whats hot in the streets

so until black men sit around and decide they WANT to be leaders then we can talk about who is supposed to submit to thier leadership



The pride doesn't come from going at it alone, the pride comes from knowing you won't shrivel up and die if you have to go at it alone. Everyone should feel pride in the fact that they are a self sufficient human being.

I don't believe any woman on this board has said in the long run, I'd rather be alone than with a man. But if you expect me to believe that I'm going to allow someone, anyone, to make uncontested decisions on what's best for me and mine or else I'm going to be alone, when I've been doing the same thing for myself since I was old enough to know what a decision was, I can't get with that. Sorry.

All decisions don't have to be contested, but I get your point. Which is why I said, being submissive is not about being controlled. Decisions, opinions, statements are parallel, submissiveness is based on how these things are carried out. I don't know if you're married or if you've ever been, but "Me and Mine" have no place in a marriage or serious relationship...A lof of American Black women were really deprived of being raised in healthy two parent households...this is the fallout from that. I'm so glad I had a mother and father at home to give me some balance...unfortunately, most American sista's I meet, don't understand me because of this balance.


umm im sorry...but wdf is this bullshit

most black kids are born to single mother familes

so hate to break it to you...but black male leadership is not whats hot in the streets

so until black men sit around and decide they WANT to be leaders then we can talk about who is supposed to submit to thier leadership


Most black children are born to families...93% of divorces are initiated by women. Black male leadership is a part of it, but black women sticking it out and not quitting on the family structure because they can't have their way is just as important.:hmm:


anti- voluntary ignorance
BGOL Investor
Most black children are born to families...93% of divorces are initiated by women. Black male leadership is a part of it, but black women sticking it out and not quitting on the family structure because they can't have their way is just as important.:hmm:

yeah and black fathers and husbands not running around fucking every hoe in town is just as important too :hmm:


umm im sorry...but wdf is this bullshit

most black kids are born to single mother familes

so hate to break it to you...but black male leadership is not whats hot in the streets

so until black men sit around and decide they WANT to be leaders then we can talk about who is supposed to submit to thier leadership


so hate to break it to you...but black male leadership is not whats hot in the streets

And you're correct, you won't find good black male leadership in the streets, perhaps you should look elsewhere....colleges, corporations, wallstreet perhaps.

the flash

אֱלהִים is king!!!!
OG Investor
umm im sorry...but wdf is this bullshit

most black kids are born to single mother familes

so hate to break it to you...but black male leadership is not whats hot in the streets

so until black men sit around and decide they WANT to be leaders then we can talk about who is supposed to submit to thier leadership


agreed in my post it says if the man is holding his end of the deal!!!
I understand that a lot of men run from responsibilty,but in the same breath a lot of men accept responsibility but there are woman who still step to them with the me and my attitude!

in a nut shell evaluate your relationship with your man ladies if he brings his end to the table why argue with him, or challange him,or belittle him


yeah and black fathers and husbands not running around fucking every hoe in town is just as important too :hmm:

Don't know the circles you hang around in, but sounds like you need to change your group of friends or at least your relationship partners. None of my boys are on this tip, family is too important to them.

What an angry, hopeless, stereotypical response...:smh:


The Get It Girl
BGOL Investor
Most black children are born to familiesQUOTE]

your argument fails

first of all marriages are going to hell and a handbasket regardless of said yourself that women want the divorce...that includes

im talking specificly about BLACK PEOPLE...according to nbc news 70% of black childeren are being born to single mother households

remember...we talking about black people...lets stay focused!


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
Most black children are born to families...93% of divorces are initiated by women. Black male leadership is a part of it, but black women sticking it out and not quitting on the family structure because they can't have their way is just as important.:hmm:

Where are you getting that stat from? MOST, or just a low majority? Last I read it was like 53%.


The Get It Girl
BGOL Investor
And you're correct, you won't find good black male leadership in the streets, perhaps you should look elsewhere....colleges, corporations, wallstreet perhaps.

"whats hot in the streets" is just a general saying...similar to "whats in vouge"..."in style"..."popular"

i wasnt talking specificly about the "streets"


The Get It Girl
BGOL Investor
agreed in my post it says if the man is holding his end of the deal!!!
I understand that a lot of men run from responsibilty,but in the same breath a lot of men accept responsibility but there are woman who still step to them with the me and my attitude!

in a nut shell evaluate your relationship with your man ladies if he brings his end to the table why argue with him, or challange him,or belittle him

i agree totally with what u are saying...expecially the last part


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
sister you are unconsciously doing it now "what's best for me and mine" why cant it be you and his once again a woman steps with me and my attitude:smh:

Flash, I assure you there was no attitude or malintent inteded in that post. Perhaps I can clarify myself so that we can have an intelligent discussion without automatically assuming that one or the other or us is coming at the situation negatively or with an attiude. I believe that I've stated more than once on this thread that Black women are likely to relinquish control for the right man. Unfortunately, as with all things, we often have to dig through the trash to find the treasure. With that said, it would be inconcievable for me to automatically grant decision making power to someone who may or may not be worthy of it. Furthermore, let's say I had been working or the past ten years to be able to put myself through school and I become involved with a man who has deemed it necessary for the good of our relationship that I become a stay at home wife, or invest my energies in some other way that doesn't require me going to school. Even if I had been with this gentleman for two or three years and could envision a future with him, does that mean he knows what's best for me and what will make me happiest? Now, if the man had a logical explanation for his desires, and could rationally tell me why I should act in that way, would I listen to his argument? Absolutely. Does that mean I would automatically proceed by his wishes? Absolutely not. Perhaps we would both come to regret that decision he made in regards to the plan I had laid out for myself before he entered my life later on down the line.

Again, as I've stated before, relationships are a give and take. A true partnership does not depend on any one person dominating any other person, but intead, on two people working cooperatively together to reach a common goal. How can a relationship prosper if one individual is making all the decisions on what the goals are, how to reach them, and what the next course of action is after the goals are reached?


Most black children are born to families
your argument fails

first of all marriages are going to hell and a handbasket regardless of said yourself that women want the divorce...that includes

im talking specificly about BLACK PEOPLE...according to nbc news 70% of black childeren are being born to single mother households

I don't argue, I discuss sweetheart, a discussion is never a failure if some understanding can be gained from it. Be it on my behalf or yours. Marriages are going to hell in a hand basket...agreed, we as Americans and black people need to evaluate why. Black women marry at a later age more than any of their ethnic counterparts.

NBC news...I wouldn't trust that as a reliable source simply because I doubt if they are relying on complete imperical data. I do know the hill district in Pittsburgh gave a similar statistic. I will do more research on this, because 7-10 households I'm sure is inflated...hell the black marriage rate among adult household is statistically is 49% -51%, that would make that figure a near impossibility.

remember...we talking about black people...lets stay focused!

We're talking about black men and women, I'll do that :yes:
when we ask a woman to be submissive we are not asking you to be slaves the things is when you hear the word submissive you block anythought other than he is trying to controll me "unt-uh girl"
in the bible it says Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord Ephesians 5:22,
Many women in the modern world balk at this concept because it is so often viewed as a one sided command as opposed to the mutually of a beneficial working relationship God intended in marriage
Ephesians 5:25 states, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her". Wow. Just when you thought women were given a tall order in this passage! God instructs husbands to love their wives with the holy and self-sacrificing love of Christ
If husbands are doing as they have been instructed, they love their wives. They always want what is best for their wives, and they are always working in their wives best interest. If wives are doing as they have been instructed, it is a loving response to what their husbands are already doing for them.
When a husband is working his side of the coin, submitting to him is a joy, a comfort, and just good sense because doing so works in a womans favor. As she respond positively to his acts of love, he is motivated all the more to work on her behalf and express his love for her . . .which then motivates her to respond in kind. In this way, submission need not be seen as demeaning for the wife or as a power trip for the husband. Rather, it is the guideline for a mutually beneficial marital partnership thank you ladies thread over- oh did spell everything corectly?:lol:

Why did this actually make sense to me:confused:and no spelling mistakes:confused:alright the "Flasher" ... whose been helping you with your spelling homework:hmm:........................:lol:

meanwhile, none of you sistas came in the woman haters thread i made(which i now deleted cause none of you came) :hmm: :smh:

Ummmmmmm ... I posted ALOT in that thread ... I thought my last post was so good ... I couldn't wait to see the reply to it the next day ... then it was gone:hmm:


The Get It Girl
BGOL Investor
Most black children are born to families

I don't argue, I discuss sweetheart, a discussion is never a failure if some understanding can be gained from it. Be it on my behalf or yours. Marriages are going to hell in a hand basket...agreed, we as Americans and black people need to evaluate why. Black women marry at a later age more than any of their ethnic counterparts.

NBC news...I wouldn't trust that as a reliable source simply because I doubt if they are relying on complete imperical data. I do know the hill district in Pittsburgh gave a similar statistic. I will do more research on this, because 7-10 households I'm sure is inflated...hell the black marriage rate among adult household is statistically is 49% -51%, that would make that figure a near impossibility.

We're talking about black men and women, I'll do that :yes:

an argument IS a just happens to be between two people who dont agree....just a little fyi for you..and its actually an artform...its petty or imature to argue if I think you are implying that..its just petty and imature to argue poorly...but i digress

nbc isnt the only source quoting those numbers...someone else quoted another source...but its always good to do your own fact finding

but back to the whole marriage thing...

the thing about a families these days is...they dont begin or end with marriages anymore...that would be the point i would make to you

the flash

אֱלהִים is king!!!!
OG Investor
Flash, I assure you there was no attitude or malintent inteded in that post. Perhaps I can clarify myself so that we can have an intelligent discussion without automatically assuming that one or the other or us is coming at the situation negatively or with an attiude. I believe that I've stated more than once on this thread that Black women are likely to relinquish control for the right man. Unfortunately, as with all things, we often have to dig through the trash to find the treasure. With that said, it would be inconcievable for me to automatically grant decision making power to someone who may or may not be worthy of it. Furthermore, let's say I had been working or the past ten years to be able to put myself through school and I become involved with a man who has deemed it necessary for the good of our relationship that I become a stay at home wife, or invest my energies in some other way that doesn't require me going to school. Even if I had been with this gentleman for two or three years and could envision a future with him, does that mean he knows what's best for me and what will make me happiest? Now, if the man had a logical explanation for his desires, and could rationally tell me why I should act in that way, would I listen to his argument? Absolutely. Does that mean I would automatically proceed by his wishes? Absolutely not. Perhaps we would both come to regret that decision he made in regards to the plan I had laid out for myself before he entered my life later on down the line.

Again, as I've stated before, relationships are a give and take. A true partnership does not depend on any one person dominating any other person, but intead, on two people working cooperatively together to reach a common goal. How can a relationship prosper if one individual is making all the decisions on what the goals are, how to reach them, and what the next course of action is after the goals are reached?

it is basic simple order a president/a vice president
a manager/a anssistant manager

a man would be a fool to be in a relationship and make all the decisions with no regard to what his woman thinks or getting her piont of veiw

but as a man an a leader by natures design it would be appropriate for him to make the final decision

the flash

אֱלהִים is king!!!!
OG Investor
Why did this actually make sense to me:confused:and no spelling mistakes:confused:alright the "Flasher" ... whose been helping you with your spelling homework:hmm:........................:lol:

Ummmmmmm ... I posted ALOT in that thread ... I thought my last post was so good ... I couldn't wait to see the reply to it the next day ... then it was gone:hmm:

you ladies will come to see that my ways and veiws are of order and not chaos there is nothing shovanistic about a man doing what is supposed to do
it is basic simple order a president/a vice president
a manager/a anssistant manager

a man would be a fool to be in a relationship and make all the decisions with no regard to what his woman thinks or getting her piont of veiw

but as a man an a leader by natures design it would be appropriate for him to make the final decision

Now you lost me again:smh:I should have known better:hmm:

you ladies will come to see that my ways and veiws are of order and not chaos there is nothing shovanistic about a man doing what is supposed to do

:lol::roflmao2::lol:I'm dyin' over here