Swallow or Spit?


BGOL Investor

pineapples and guava make the ladies go :yes:

Pussy Krook

I try to avoid getting any cum in my mouth. I pretty much don't mind anywhere else on my body, but not the mouth. I know it sucks... But why do so many guys like to see a woman swallow?

You have no idea how good that shit feels! On the real good head can be better than straight sex. That shit will have your man tricking and coming home every night


Potential Star
I knew a girl who loved to swallow...she would tell me to pull out and nut in her mouth all the time..i had no complaints :dance: but had to cut her lose cuz she started to act up and nutty:(


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
So Umm I was a little reluctant to share but WHATEVER..WE ALL GROWN!
I used to didn't take anybodies kids near my mouth whatsoever
I had a bad experience in college w/ a bf of mine, that shit was AWFUL, like immediately when it hit my mouth I spit it out, from reaction and tatse:puke:....

So I had vowed never to do that shit again..but just last week I changed my ways..it's my kids dad, and I know what he eats because I cook, so yea I've swallowed his liquid kids and plan to keep doing it:yes::yes::yes:


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
Have some pineapples before we get busy and I'll put that shit in a cup.

On the phone now...

I would like to order 3 dozen of your freshest pineapples.

Yes i said 3 dozen

can you rush that order, i need it overnight.

No damnit, im not a grocery store, just send me the damn pineapples, this is a emergency.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I try to avoid getting any cum in my mouth. I pretty much don't mind anywhere else on my body, but not the mouth. I know it sucks... But why do so many guys like to see a woman swallow?

It is not what he sees... It is what he FEELS....



Backshot Queen
BGOL Investor
You have no idea how good that shit feels! On the real good head can be better than straight sex. That shit will have your man tricking and coming home every night

:lol::lol::lol: You ain't lying!

So Umm I was a little reluctant to share but WHATEVER..WE ALL GROWN!
I used to didn't take anybodies kids near my mouth whatsoever
I had a bad experience in college w/ a bf of mine, that shit was AWFUL, like immediately when it hit my mouth I spit it out, from reaction and tatse:puke:....

So I had vowed never to do that shit again..but just last week I changed my ways..it's my kids dad, and I know what he eats because I cook, so yea I've swallowed his liquid kids and plan to keep doing it:yes::yes::yes:

I had a similar experience as well. The first time I tried to suck a dude to completion I was caught off guard (shit hit the back of throat hard & had me gagging all over the place), and the taste was not appealing to me at all. I said to myself fuck that, never again will I drink babies. My ex expressed how much he loves the feeling, and me being who I am decided to give it another try. It was a completely different experience & I came just seeing how much he enjoyed it. If it tastes good its a definite plus, but I do it now purely because seeing how a man reacts to swallowing his cum is what keeps me doing it.


anti- voluntary ignorance
BGOL Investor
So Umm I was a little reluctant to share but WHATEVER..WE ALL GROWN!
I used to didn't take anybodies kids near my mouth whatsoever
I had a bad experience in college w/ a bf of mine, that shit was AWFUL, like immediately when it hit my mouth I spit it out, from reaction and tatse:puke:....

Yeah its because of something bad that happened to me when I was younger. I just can't do it. I have tried but now I know better than to even try. It always ends up the same way. Its not just taste but also texture and feeling like I am going to choke.


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
I usually spit. Every once and a while I feel inclined to swallow, so I do. I don't like semen on other parts of my body though. It all goes in the mouth. ;)

Bushido Brown

Potential Star
I knew a girl who loved to swallow...she would tell me to pull out and nut in her mouth all the time..i had no complaints :dance: but had to cut her lose cuz she started to act up and nutty:(

How funny is it that she always swallowed and then began to act "nutty"!


Pussy Krook

I cut down on meat A LOT now I mostly eat chicken. I drink juice more than I drink water. My shit taste like orange smoothie. :lol: I've never had complaints.


Urban Renaissance Woman
BGOL Investor
I definitely don't mind swallowing...less of a mess to clean up and I notice it turns on a guy soooo much. Afterwards, you look up at him and give him those seductive eyes...mmm...they love it! lol

I've never given head to a guy that had "bad tasting sperm," so maybe I've been lucky... there was a point and time when I hated head, but, when you're with someone you care about, you'd be surprised what you'd do for l-o-v-e...

Jack Spade

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Daddy's Milk

by Djehuty Ma'at-Ra

The following article is written in the spirit to educate and offer insight so as to help remove the veil of ignorance, shame, fear, and/or guilt that individuals may have.

I am one of the opinion and belief that there is no right or wrong, only experience and experience leads to knowledge and the ability to make better choices later on in life.

This article is the result of a few females, some in the porno industry, who have inquired about ingestion of male semen or sperm while performing fellatio and any possible dangers and/or benefits as a result thereof. Of course, many non-porno stars, female and male alike, engage in this activity, so the subject is not limited to sex stars of hardcore pornography films.

I understand that many high order and elitist Masonic groups have their all-male members perform rituals involving the drinking of sperm/semen, referred to as "daddy's milk."

I have also heard from Hollywood insider friends of mine how many top notch individuals in Hollywood (actors, directors, writers, etc.) also consume "daddy's milk" in order to get into the "heavyweight" and "privileged" class of the film industry.

This is actually an activity that has been practiced for hundreds of years within elitist and ritualistic circles involving hidden or secret groups and cults, especially sex cults (like what was featured in Stanley Kubrick's film "Eyes Wide Shut").

Today, what was hidden in the dark and practiced by a few is now in the open or light and practiced by the masses, but I'm quite sure the masses are not conscious as to the deeper, ritualistic, and symbolic meanings their actions of ingesting "daddy's milk" like those individuals who are members of secret societies and sex cults who understand the deeper "energy" significance of the act.

Now while I am not a proponent of this activity and do not endorse or embrace it, I don't condemn any individual who may engage in it for whatever reasons. I am a respecter of free will and choice. My purpose is simply to shed light, especially in the area of health, especially since so many people, especially females, are now engaging in such act. It is an integral part of pornography these days and pornography today is very raw and explores every realm of the "once prohibited" acts pertaining to sexual intercourse. Such prohibited acts over the centuries has led to, in the language of society, perverted and decadent sexual fantasies which is merely an expression of sexual suppression and repression, and which today has led to an outlet, an uncontrollable outlet, created by the sex or pornography industry which has overlapped into the mainstream of society. So today, you never know who's a freak behind closed doors. You never know what that cute, innocent looking female secretary; your boss at work; that upright-appearing judge at the courthouse; that cocky police officer on the street; that trusted politician; or that sanctimonious and self-righteous religious leader - is into, sexually!

The so-called sexual perversion and freakishness in our world today is within the Divine scheme of things, believe it or not, as it is the result of millennia of sexual suppression stemming from patriarchal rule and domination imbued in religion, mainly Western religion (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam).

America's present society bear witness to the fact that she is a modern Rome and Greece, ancient civilizations that were heavily into strange sexual practices. I have pictures of students from the University of Florida engaging in a public bacchanalian-like orgy after winning the 2006 BCS college football championship. These pictures would blow your mind and shock you at what goes on at these U.S. college campuses, especially in Florida.

We are currently experiencing the opposite polarity or pole of sexual repression and suppression. Sexual expression, no matter how acute, deep, hardcore, or raw it may be, is the flip flop effect of sexual suppression and repression over centuries (maybe with the exception of Greece and Rome whose citizens were very open with their sexual ways and behaviors).

Sex and sexuality, especially with females, have been pent up too long and as such, an explosion pertaining to the preoccupation with sex and the sex act itself has taken effect in our society and culture, at least in the Western world, and on a epidemic level.

The Eastern world has never had a problem with sex and sexuality, at least to the degree we do in the Western world, seeing sex and sexuality in its true light as being divine and spiritual. Eastern Tantric, Taoist, and Zen texts illustrate the divinity, sacredness, and purity of sex illustrating how sex can be used to express one's highest creativity and serve as a channel to reach the heights of divinity between a man and woman (lovers).

This Western social and cultural preoccupation with sex is rooted in our minds on a collective scale. Society and culture's preoccupation and glorification of sex is nothing but the manifestation of our collective consciousness pertaining to sex and sexuality, which in turn has a lot to do with society's influence upon us as it is no secret that sex is greatly used on an overt and covert level in society today, especially in Western nations and particularly here in the U.S.

Sex, sexuality, and sexual innuendo are the major tools used by advertisers to sell goods and merchandise to people. Why sex? Because sex is the greatest power or force (energy) there is and marketers and advertisers know it!

Okay, the dangers resulting from seminal ingestion lies in the area of pH balance disturbance. Sperm is alkaline. It is alkaline by nature and created this way so as to give the sperm a fighting chance inside the acidic female vagina for purposes of conception. The acidic vagina balances the alkaline sperm in accordance pursuant to the Universal Law of Gender. Yin and Yang is very much present with sperm and vagina (ovum).

The acid of a healthy vagina is not the same type of acid we speak about pertaining to unhealthy and unnatural so-called foods like meat (dead, slaughtered animal flesh), dairy products (liquefied cow snot), and other processed food stuffs (which is basically manure). The female vagina has a natural and healthy acidic pH level which only becomes an unnatural and unhealthy acid when the diet and lifestyle is not salubrious.

When sperm is swallowed or ingested consistently or a lot, a pH balance imbalance will take place. The solution or juices of the stomach are acidic in nature and therefore neutralizes anything alkaline. Remember, the sperm is alkaline so the stomach juices will neutralize sperm. Because our stomachs are an acid containing organ, it bears witness to the fact that our diet really should be one of an alkaline nature, consisting of raw fruits and green vegetables. What is all that acid in the stomach for anyway?
Though sperm was not created for purposes of ingesting or entering into the stomach or digestive tract, or even the rectum for that matter, sporadic ingestion of sperm for those who engage in it (under free will/choice) may not cause harm in the form of digestive disturbance.But what the person who ingests sperm, especially on a consistent basis, needs to know is that sperm is energy and contains energy - the energy of the one who emits or ejaculates it; so when sperm is ingested, a person (usually a female) is taking in the energy of another - the ejaculating male.

Many times on an unconscious level, a person who desires to "consume" their partner will swallow the seminal secretion of their partner. This is symbolic of taking in the partner via his essence; a sort of emerging of energies.

Seminal ingestion also denotes a desire to show a mate or lover one's loyalty and submission to him. It is totally an act of submission or one that denotes craven submission, especially for a female or the male homosexual who is the receptive partner. To "take in" or "swallow" is totally receptive or a receptive act in nature and anything receptive is feminine or Yin in nature.

Now when we consider the female or male homosexual who has multiple partners or who is sexually promiscuous and indiscriminate and ingests the sperm of numerous males, not only does this lead to stomach pH balance upset, but also energetic and emotional upset and confusion. The seminal essence or energy of multiple males (partners) in the body via oral ingestion disrupts the energy of the person, especially a female. This is the equivalent of the female who has multiple male partners and allows the multiple partners to ejaculate in her during the sex act. Sperm eventually settles into the Second Chakra area and the Second Chakra is the seat of relationships and emotions (in females), therefore, sperm can affect the energy of the Second Chakra.

The person with multiple sex partners will always have relationship problems of an emotional nature due to a bombardment of various and different males ejaculating their essence/energy in her (or him, if it's a male homosexual) which causes confliction at the energetic and emotional levels.

I would have to say that the biggest reason for so much perceived sexual decadence and perversion in the area of submissive sex acts (anal penetration, ejaculation on the face and in the mouth, beating and spanking, abuse (physical and mental)) which is usually acted out by males towards females (who deem themselves "worthless," having "low self-esteem," being "unattractive," etc.) is rooted in the subconscious and unconscious male need to "dominate" and/or "control" (which is rooted in a sense or feeling of powerlessness or weakness); and the subconscious and unconscious female need to be "punished," "disciplined," and/or "dominated," which is rooted in deep-seated EMOTIONAL "guilt," "shame," and "victim-hood-ness."

A feeling of guilt will always lead to the feeling of the need to be punished or penalized in order to justify the feeling of "guilt" (or "sin") and of course sex is a venue and medium by which emotions can be acted out. Suppressed sexual emotions often manifest in the form of fantasies and fantasies need a venue, forum, or stage to be acted out or expressed and what better venue, forum, or stage than sex?

Spanking a female on the fanny serves a twofold purpose - (1) DISCIPLINE, and with the female who grew up absent a father figure, a need to have the discipline from a male authoritative figure she never had coming up as a little girl, as on a deeper level disciplining is a form a love, care, and concern, especially when the discipline itself comes out of love, care, and concern; (2) RELEASING OF PENT UP PASSION (as the buttocks store passion) and the spanking of the fanny (buttocks) causes friction and heat and this heat allows passion to be released and because the spanking causes a vibration in the buttocks, constant vibration stimulates certain spots and areas of the female vaginal orifice which can lead to physical orgasm. It is a fact that the human uterus responds to vibration, this is why certain females won't hesitate to insert a vibrator (dildo) into their vagina or sit on a big speaker (woolfer) at a party. The bass of music stimulates the uterus and also releases adrenaline the same way riding a roller coaster tickles the fancy (vagina) of a female. KCAL Television (Los Angeles, Ca.) showcased the studies done to prove the connection between amusement parks rides (especially roller coasters) and sexual stimulation.


Many people, mainly females, are under the impression that male sperm is nutritious protein or full of nutritious protein and that by swallowing or ingesting sperm they are getting protein. NOT SO! The human stomach cannot do anything with sperm once it is broken down. And if sperm was in fact protein, it would not be the kind of protein the Creator had in mind for us as sperm is totally and exclusively for reproductive purposes.

There are reproductive juices meant to be ingested, however, sperm is not one of them. In the vagina, the vaginal secretions from performing cunnilingus is said to be aiding to a man by feeding and stimulating his pituitary gland (Third Eye, Sixth Chakra), helping him to become more psychic, according to Tantric and Taoist sexual doctrine.

In the male, sperm does not have this effect on a woman like her secretion does to a man, but a man's foreskin (if he is uncircumcised) secretes a "butter of life" in the vagina (or the mouth if oral sex is being performed), that nourishes and stimulates her pituitary gland and thus making her more psychic. This "butter of life" as it is called in Tantric and Taoist doctrine is only secreted in the uncircumcised male. I guess this is another (but rare) good reason not to be circumcised.

In closing, seminal ingestion leads to indigestion (acid reflux), nausea, hormonal imbalance (especially in females), and energy imbalance.

Because a man's energy is in his sperm (or semen), when a woman swallows or ingests his sperm, she is taking his essence into her body and essence. The same thing applies to a male homosexual who plays the receptive partner.

It is not my place to tell anyone what to do or not to do, nor is it my place to judge; however, as a health expressional (not professional), it is my divine duty to give pertinent information so that individuals may assess the situation or matter for themselves and thus act accordingly, making the necessary decision for him or herself.

A person should be conscious in regards to every act they perform, including a sexual act. Consciousness leads to awareness of Universal Law which includes the Law of Cause and Effect. Every cause has an effect or every action has a reaction.

Ejaculating in someone's mouth is undoubtedly a sign of masculine power - dominating power. It is definitely a power play that is rooted in lower chakra activity. It is also a sign of disrespect, uncaring and unloving-ness when it is done by a man who cares absolutely nothing for or about the person on the receiving end.

The details of sperm such as the smell and color can tell a lot about a male, especially his diet and lifestyle. Anything that comes out of the body can tell you a lot about the body - the state of the health of the body, be it feces, urine, discharge, or reproductive secretion.

Sperm undoubtedly can hold the energy of love or the energy of disrespect, depending on the person. However, it is proper that sperm, especially filled with the vibration of love, be ejaculated into the vagina for purposes of possible conception of a child, if this is desired. A child conceived in love is none other than a Love child. If a child is not desired then at least you have the energy of love being emitted into the essence of the woman's being via her vagina.

Too many children today are not conceived in love, but in "out of control" (imbalanced) passion. "Break up to make up sex" is rampant in the U.S., especially in poor, minority communities. Many Black or African-American singers sing about this topic in songs, from the Stylistics (who has a song entitled "Make up to break up") to Tyrese Gibson ("Why You Wanna Act Like That?").

Make up to break up sex is called "Ghetto Love" to inner city Blacks in the U.S.

Not only did Tyrese sing about this is a song, but he starred in a movie that excellently showed "Ghetto Love" (Make up to break up sex) in action - John Singleton's "Baby Boy."

Singleton's "Poetic Justice" with Janet Jackson and Tupac Shakur also featured scenes of "Ghetto Love" between Regina King and Joe Torry.

Many couples, who are mostly disenfranchised, ignorant, low economic level, and unconscious individuals, have a violent and brutal fight and hurl the most intentionally offensive words at one another and minutes later, end up having sex - crazy, wild sex! Unbeknown to these people/couples who engage in this imbalanced behavior, it is done out of the need to express the passion that is greatly lacking in the relationship on a daily basis. Passion needs expression, an outlet, and if you don't give it the outlet or expression, then passion itself will create it

Many females, especially those from lower class communities (and some middleclass and uppity communities, due to dysfunctional home base and childhood despite wealth and affluence) will start a commotion to get the necessary attention they desire from their mate. This is sick (dis-eased), but true! I've been there and experienced this myself with a few females who were from the hood.

These females, mostly from urban communities and inner cities, do not know how to communicate on a higher level so they communicate on the only level they may know how to at that particular time, which is through physical confrontation and argument and of course, it leads to sex and in many cases, sex on the pornographic scale. But this is to be expected when you consider what these particular females (and males) listen to and watch daily - decadent, degenerate, and unconscious gangster rap music (and some R&B music) and music videos which embrace modern-day pornography.

You may not know it, but today there is a serious connection between gangster rap music and pornography which is really obvious. Fellatio and ejaculation of sperm into the mouths of females (and males too) is a very widespread and accepted thing in minority communities today, thanks to decadent and degenerate gangster rap music. You can thank the likes of West Coast rappers such as Too Short, Spice One, N.W.A., Eazy-E, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, and D.J. Quik; and the West Coast exception, Miami's 2 Live Crew, for this!

I was going down memory lane one day and listening to some old rap music to remind myself of my Locke High School days in South Los Angeles (where I graduated in 1988), and I listened to a D.J. Quik song from his Greatest Hits LP and in one verse he talked about letting M.C. Eiht of C.M.W. (Compton's Most Wanted) perform fellatio on him and urinating in his mouth instead of ejaculating. I was like (said to myself): Goddamn!

An old Mix Master Spade song talking about going to the liquor store and getting an eight ball featured a lyric about going to the Snooty (a well known motel in South Los Angeles - the Snooty Fox) and fuccking a woman right up her booty; and this song came out in the early 1980's, so after nearly 25-30 years of this kind of perceived degenerate, decadent, insalubrious, and misogynistic music saturating inner city people's minds, is it any wonder we are witnessing on the scene what we are witnessing today?

Even White American youth have embraced the mores, culture, and habits of inner city Blacks and Hispanics and have gotten on the bandwagon and have also successfully reaped many of the same detriments as inner city Blacks and Hispanics though you don't really read about it in the newspapers or see it televised on the nightly news like you do when Blacks are involved.

The little children of the 1980's who came up listening to this kind of music supra are grown and have children now themselves. What legacy do you think they gave their children? Just look around in the streets and you will see and hear it!

I must point out that the East Coast rap music I listened to from the same era during my memory lane session which featured Run DMC, Slick Rick, Whodini, Kurtis Blow, Grandmaster Flash, Melle Mel, Afrika Bambaata, Boogie Down Productions, Public Enemy, etc., was not decadent and degenerate like the rap music that came out of the West Coast.

I can't forget the Dirty South's role in the spewing of perceived degeneracy, decadence, and misogyny, especially the South's pioneer and pioneers, Luther Campbell (originally known as Luke Skywalker until he was sued by George Lucas to drop the use of the name) and the 2 Live Crew, whom I did mention above.

Many rappers outright own and promote "tittie" (strip) clubs and many are outright involved in the production and distribution of pornography. Snoop Dogg profits off of "Girls Gone Wild" which he is a part of.

Rappers, many of them, are your neo-misogynists who will exploit a female for money just like many of these White music company executives exploit the dumb rapper(s) for money. At the end of the day it's all about money at the expense of selling your soul and disrespecting females. I think we all could stand to re-watch and get the profound but dormant message(s) in the movies, "Tales From the Hood," "Hollywood Shuffle," "Don't Be A Menace," and "Bamboozled."

In closing, remember, the excessive ingestion of male semen is part of the out of control expression of repressed and suppressed human sexuality for millennia, especially here in the U.S. and by the masses (who just got into this activity). But this activity is nothing new for many sex cults and secret societal groups that date back to the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Members of former U.S. President Ronald W. Reagan were implicated in the brutal death of Vicki Morgan, Alfred Bloomingdale's mistress and sex slave, who knew all about the sexual orgies of the Reagan administration and who possessed a tape of filmed orgies that had Reagan cabinet members on film involved in lewd and licentious acts. This is why Vicki was killed! Over a tape Bloomingdale gave her for protection (blackmail) before he died!

Lastly, my use of the word "perceived" supra embraces the bigger picture of things despite what we may believe a thing to be based upon perception and mass social agreement and acceptance.

Hopefully this article shed light on a most obscure, uncomfortable, and embarrassing inquiry for many people (mainly females) out there.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Excuse me Jack Spade, I know you don't expect me to read that shit...

Maybe Farrakhan will help you...

Nah, He ain't feeling it either ...:hmm:


Rising Star

Maybe some of that will help.....hell from the looks of it....It looks just the same as the real thing:yes:


Potential Star
Good girls swallow :D
Me being a vegetarian every bit of protein helps. Pineapple men, pineapples :D

Have some pineapples before we get busy and I'll put that shit in a cup.

Ladies, I am really curious about this, been hearing for years about various foods to have before getting busy -- good info on the pineapple! I actually had a friend swear by Asparagus!! Do you have any other "recommended" foods?? Seriously.

I will tell you that for me, a women swallowing intensifies my orgasm something fierce.

its not necessarily about seeing a woman swallow. its about the sensation from the suction. just like the sensation you probably enjoy when you orgasm from a guy giving you oral.
:yes: :yes:

It seems like when a girl swallows, that she was so into the act that she just wanted to consume every drop of your essence. She wanted to be there and it turned her on to please you. A huge turn off is a girl that acts like cum is battery acid. If I am eating a chick out and she cums, i'm gonna keeping sucking that clit and fingering that pussy until she either pushes me off or i'm glazed like a krispy kreme.
:yes: :yes: :yes:
