Leading the news in Japan... :Smile:


My favorite Japanese news online outside of Japan Today.













The Democratic party designation candidacy choosing of American Presidential election the 3rd night (the Japanese time 4th morning), [obama] Senator (46) South Dakota, in support statement of the Montana both state primary election and the special representative, guaranteed the majority of the representative total number which is necessary for designation candidacy acquisition, made designation decide. If [obama] Republican Party [makein] Senator (71) with disputes this election to November and is elected, you become first black president in the American history.  [obama] the same day night, victory can declare with meeting of the Minnesota cent pole, “tonight, can declare me that it becomes designation candidacy of the Democratic party. When being good, when being bad, we were supported, you expressed that you appreciate in all Americans”.  The same person who appeals the reform of American politics with the result of former election game had made designation acquisition already secure.  Acquisition popular representation numerical [obama], majority (2118 people) to it remained to 2 days and approached to 41 people, but 40 people or more of the special representative on the 3rd, stating [obama] support anew. In addition with both state primary election to which 31 representatives are distributed, as for South Dakota although Senator [hirari] Clinton (60) did victory, as for Montana [obama] won, the same person exceeded the goal of majority largely with this.  Although Clinton whom defeat decides the same day night, lectures in local New York city, shows congratulations to [obama] “the supporter we would like to confer concerning future correspondence. That you do not decide”, you expressed tonight, did not declare the withdrawal from election game. Simply, it is inserting withdrawal in range of vision e.g., you convey the idea of not denying the fact that it becomes running mate [obama] vis-a-vis selection anti- staff.  The policy [obama] receiving the end of primary election, conversing with Clinton even on the 4th, calculating the cooperation with this election. If Clinton appointment to running mate becomes firm, defeat is recognized, the possibility of promising cooperation is high. < Explanation >  The Democratic party designation candidacy choosing of American Presidential election [obama] Senator made designation candidacy decide, but at one time excitement is cold completely, fight in main game of [makein] Senator who has been decided in the Republican Party designation candidacy can force bitter fight.




Le prétendant à la Maison Blanche Barack Obama pourrait revendiquer l'investiture démocrate dès mardi.

Le prétendant à la Maison Blanche Barack Obama pourrait revendiquer l'investiture démocrate dès mardi après les dernières primaires dans le Dakota du Sud et le Montana alors que sa rivale Hillary Clinton continue de maintenir le doute sur ses intentions.

"La sénatrice Clinton ne concédera pas (sa défaite dans la course à) l'investiture ce soir", a indiqué dans un communiqué d'une ligne l'état-major de Mme Clinton.

Des médias américains avaient affirmé auparavant, citant des sources anonymes, que Mme Clinton allait reconnaître mardi soir sa défaite face à Barack Obama.




Obama remporte l'investiture démocrate, Clinton résiste

SAINT PAUL (Etats-Unis) (AFP) - Barack Obama a remporté mardi l'investiture démocrate pour la présidentielle américaine de novembre, devenant ainsi le premier Noir à avoir une chance de gagner la Maison Blanche, mais Hillary Clinton a refusé de reconnaître sa défaite.

"Cette nuit, après 54 difficiles consultations, notre saison de primaires arrive à son terme. (...) Cette nuit, je peux dire devant vous que je serai le candidat démocrate pour la présidence des Etats-Unis", a affirmé le sénateur de l'Illinois devant des milliers de partisans rassemblés dans le palais des expositions de Saint Paul (Minnesota, nord).

"La route sera longue. Je fais face à ce défi avec une grande humilité et en connaissant mes propres limites. Mais je fais aussi face à ce défi avec une foi sans limite dans les capacités du peuple américain", a ajouté M. Obama.


He's the Headline around the world.:dance::dance:


Obama er demokraternes kandidat

Men Hillary Clinton vil endnu ikke erkende, at hun har tabt kampen om at blive præsidentkandidat.



Selv om Barack Obama natten til i dag dansk tid sikrede sig tilstrækkeligt delegerede til at blive Demokraternes præsidentkandidat, så vil hans rival Hillary Clinton endnu ikke anerkende sit nederlag.

Som afslutning på en tale i New York sagde Hillary Clinton, at hun endnu ikke vil træffe nogen beslutning med hensyn til at afslutte sin kampagne.

He's changing perceptions around the world.. Amazing...


Potential Star
Most read story for Argetina's Clarin.

Obama logró los delegados necesarios y es el candidato demócrata a la Casa Blanca
Se aseguró la postulación al vencer a Hillary Clinton en la interna partidaria. Y esta noche se proclamó rival del republicano John McCain en las elecciones presidenciales de noviembre. La ex primera dama, en tanto, anunció que en los próximos días decidirá si acepta ser vicepresidenta en una posible fórmula compartida con el líder afroamericano.


Obama se convierte en el primer candidato negro a la presidencia de Estados Unidos

Clinton: "No tomaré decisiones esta noche"

El senador por Illinois supera la marca de 2.118 delegados gracias al apoyo de los superdelegados y las primarias de Dakota del Sur y Montana.- Hillary Clinton se resiste a despejar su futuro político



Favorit Barak Obama
CNN 03.06.2008 18:55

VAŠINGTON - Trka za nominaciju kandidata Demokratske stranke za predsjedničke izbore u SAD završena je juče održavanjem posljednjih izbora te stranke u Južnoj Dakoti i Montanti.


Man.. I know half y'all sleep or near it.. But this is Historical world wide...


【ワシントン=小栗康之】米大統領選挙の民主党指名候補選びは3日夜(日本時間4日朝)、オバマ上院議員(46)がサウスダコタ、モンタナ両州予備選挙や特別代議員の支持表明で、指名候補獲得に必要な代議員総数の過半数を確保し、指名を確定させた。オバマ氏は共和党のマケイン上院議員(71)と11月に本選挙を争い、 当選すれば、米国史上初の黒人大統領となる。

 オバマ氏は同日夜、ミネソタ州セントポールの集会で勝利宣言し、「今夜、私は民主党の指名候補になると宣 言できる。良い時も悪い時もわれわれを支えてくれた、すべての米国人に感謝する」と述べた。

 米国政治の変革を訴えてきた同氏は、これまでの選挙戦の結果で指名獲得を既に確実にしていた 。

 オバマ氏の獲得代議員数は、2日までに過半数(2118人)まで残り41人に迫っていたが、特別代議員の40人以上が3日、新たにオバマ氏支持を表明。また31人の代議員が配分される両州予備選挙で、サウスダコタ州はヒラリー・クリントン上院議員(60)が勝利したものの、モンタナ州はオバマ氏が勝ち、これによって 同氏は過半数のゴールを大きく超えた。

 敗北が確定したクリントン氏は同日夜、地元ニューヨーク市内で演説し、オバマ氏に祝意を示す一方、今後の対応について「支持者と協議したい。今夜は決断しない」と述べ、選挙戦からの撤退は明言しなかった。ただ、選対幹部に対し、オバマ氏の副大統領候補になることを拒否しない考えを示すなど、撤退を視野に入れつつある 。

 オバマ氏は予備選挙の終了を受け、4日にもクリントン氏と会談し、本選挙での協力を求める方針。クリント ン氏も副大統領候補への起用が固まれば、敗北を認め、協力を約束する可能性が高い。


 米大統領選挙の民主党指名候補選びはオバマ上院議員が指名候補を確定させたが、かつての熱狂はすっかり冷 えており、共和党の指名候補に確定しているマケイン上院議員との本戦での戦いは苦戦を強いられ る。

This looks like a job for ko-lin-pow :)

It's really short actually. I speak fluent Japanese XD.




WASHINGTON, Aftenposten.no: - På grunn av dere kan jeg stå her i dag og si at jeg er demokratenes presidentkandidat, sa Obama under sin feiring i St. Paul, Minnesota, og møtte et voldsomt jubelbrøl fra nesten 20.000 tilhengerne i salen. Utenfor sto ytterligere 15.000 som ikke fikk plass inne.

Obama sikret seg seieren på den aller siste dagen i nominasjonsprosessen. Han vant primærvalget i Montana, mens rivalen Hillary Clinton vant i South Dakota.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was at the gym tonight when the news broke. It was calm, yet electric. You could have been born at any other time in human history. Thank God that you have been able to witness a day that our ancestors NEVER would have even dreamed about. I got choked up tonight. This was very powerful and moving day in my life tonight...


Обама опроверг возможность встречи с Ахмадинеджадом

Кандидат в президенты США Барак Обама подчеркнул свое желание вести переговоры с такими странами, как Иран. Однако, по его словам, это не означает встречу с президентом Ирана Махмудом Ахмадинеджадом. Обама отметил, что не намерен вести переговоры с президентом Ирана, пока не пройдут выборы в стране в 2009 году и не подтвердится власть Ахмадинеджада



Potential Star
I was at the gym tonight when the news broke. It was calm, yet electric. You could have been born at any other time in human history. Thank God that you have been able to witness a day that our ancestors NEVER would have even dreamed about. I got choked up tonight. This was very powerful and moving day in my life tonight...

It really just hit me tonight what he accomplished. I knew it was going to happen for about 3 months but when it actually occurs it's a bit surreal.





I was at the gym tonight when the news broke. It was calm, yet electric. You could have been born at any other time in human history. Thank God that you have been able to witness a day that our ancestors NEVER would have even dreamed about. I got choked up tonight. This was very powerful and moving day in my life tonight...

Same here, fam...It's unbelieveable. :yes::yes:


Boss Soul
OG Investor
I was at the gym tonight when the news broke. It was calm, yet electric. You could have been born at any other time in human history. Thank God that you have been able to witness a day that our ancestors NEVER would have even dreamed about. I got choked up tonight. This was very powerful and moving day in my life tonight...


Bebop Johnson

Potential Star
i missed it?!?!?!

oh my damn!!! whoo hoo!!!!

i was stuck on a fuggin' plane :angry: i missed history!!

give thanks to the ancestors that made this possible :yes::yes:

ok hnic... u got my $10, just for bgol catching me up on this


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was at the gym tonight when the news broke. It was calm, yet electric. You could have been born at any other time in human history. Thank God that you have been able to witness a day that our ancestors NEVER would have even dreamed about. I got choked up tonight. This was very powerful and moving day in my life tonight...


Young Sir

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i missed it?!?!?!

oh my damn!!! whoo hoo!!!!

i was stuck on a fuggin' plane :angry: i missed history!!

give thanks to the ancestors that made this possible :yes::yes:

ok hnic... u got my $10, just for bgol catching me up on this

you should of been online yesterday.. BGOL was poppin!!!



Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
The world wants Barack. It's amazing the extent to which people all over the world are so invested in this race....partly because of the impact of the office but also because they see something special in this brother.

My relatives live all over the world (big nomadic family) and they're always tellin me that all eyes are on Obama.

Get with it America......the world has spoken.



Zafer Obama’nın

05 Haziran 2008 Perşembe

5 aydır süren önseçim sürecinin sonunda senatör Barack Obama, Demokrat Partinin kasımda yapılacak başkanlık seçimindeki adaylığını garantilemesine yetecek delege sayısına ulaşarak zaferini ilan etti. Bu sonuçla Obama, ABD’de iki büyük partiden birinin başkan adaylığını elde eden ilk siyah özelliğini kazanarak tarih yazdı. Başkan adaylığı için gereken 2 bin 118 delege sayısını fazlasıyla aşan Obama, “Amerika, bu bizim zamanımız. Geçmiş dönemlerdeki politikaların sayfasını çevirmesinin zamanı geldi” dedi. Obama, rakibi Hillary’yi gücü, cesareti ve iradesinden dolayı övdü. 4 Kasım’da yarışacağı Cumhuriyetçi Partinin başkan adayı John McCain’i de eleştiren Obama, McCain’in seçilmesi durumunda ülkede “Üçüncü bir George W. Bush dönemi” olacağını söyledi.
Hillary Clinton ise, Obama’yı “başarısından dolayı” kutlarken, “Obama’nın yardımcılığını kabul eder misiniz?” sorusuna “Partinin çıkarına olacaksa buna açığım” cevabını verdi.



