Byron Allen. Comcast threatens to roll back civil rights act


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1. Understand your position
2. There is load of money out there, waiting for you.
3. Education
4. Be clear of your ask to get results...what you need.
5. Making money is easy, do in honest and legal way.



Transnational Member
It can be much worse depending on the type of industry you get involved with, luckily he is in a business that whites can't just take his place. The same thing for athletes and entertainers. He has exposed what they were doing and delegitimized the black companies that they had set up such as Magic Johnson with low equity. Just like many of us have stopped watching BET when the ownership change to Viacom, they have to deal with somebody black to serve our markets. This is why they are not attempting to kill him or threaten to kill him.

For me, they can take what I'm doing from me and kill without question to a certain extent. I have other things in the pipeline that I keep off the table.

This is nothing new based on history. I have been writing about some of the tactics on BGOL, such as chasing you with cars all day.

It is very difficult to do any business with them not that I am seeking to.
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Transnational Member
An example of their bizarre behavior is a mass shooting at a black church to intimidate you after stealing your work. This is something you will not learn in business school, the racial politics behind black business. You might need a weapon along with a lawyer to defend yourself.

I believe this was at play with Apple and Steve Jobs, after trying to replace him the company tanked. Realizing their mistake they brought him back and needed him to cosign his replacement personally to run the company.

Beats, Oprah, Robert Johnson, Tyler Perry and BET...
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Rising Star
Bryon Allen is a true power player and dedicated to making changes in our community. This interview was powerful!

I can't believe the number of brothers in here who didnt know who he was. He has been grinding for years! The ones who didnt know him, quick to call him "soft" or speak ill of the brother. We as black folks got to stop that bullshit.


Transnational Member

When they don't need to do business with you, they will use violence and other measures to undermine your business. In Byron Allen's case, they needed to have a minority owner serving a minority market, therefore in his complaint you can see all the tactics that used to minimize our role in these companies such as paying Al Sharpton off – their racial cover and other civil rights organizations.

In my case, I believe they launched a mass shooting in a black church as an intimidation tactic along with the car swarming.

Here's another example, because we go into Walmart and Safeway instead of a black owned grocery store, many black farmers who sued the federal government dealt with the heavy-handed tactics to undermine them. I don't need to deal with you on any level because the black consumer does not care who grew their food. We as consumers need to demand that a certain percentage of their business goes towards minority farmers, along with shopping at black-owned grocery stores.
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The Big Brain
Back in my ignorant youth I use to call him an Oreo. Now I call him a millionaire.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just posing a question, does anyone have enough faith in this justice system think he can win?? I'm conflicted here. Is this really about "us" or is this all about him? Because if he loses he's still rich and regular class blacks suffer. I just know the justice system is shit and this could be a huge blow.


Transnational Member
I had mentioned a business owner that had problems with Domino's pizza and franchising with them. Whenever a black business owner has to sue a business, it's a red flag that we as black consumers have failed. He should drop the lawsuit and let us as black consumers take over.

They should form an association with a website that monitors business activity with these companies.

We do this subconsciously when we watch programming on TV, sports, or in the movies preferring media with somebody black that we can relate to. If we started making this a conscious decision more often, then we can radically improve our prospects with starting businesses. Since the market would demand products from black farmers, sabotaging them would be pointless.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
as much respect I have for most on BGOL I really can't believe how many of you don't know who Byron Allen is and more so that some would diss him.. smh...go do the research on him...
Not going to fault anyone who didn't know who he is. He is one of those "quiet" billionaires. You really don't hear a lot about him. Although the Weather Channel purchase was a big deal, it is the lawsuit that his getting all the press he didn't seem to get beforehand.

I remember hearing about him being a media mogul, a couple years back. Since I hadn't seen or heard from him since he stopped hosting shows, I was like that dude is a media tycoon now???!!!????

In any case, this why we need threads like this to educate those that didn't know.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Peep this, Eddie Murphy was trying to find Byron Allen when he was just starting out in comedy....


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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Much respect to byron Allen, I thought he was just a corny near-do-well comedian. i was completely wrong. I need a byron Allen t-shirt. Shared this video with my kids. They need to hear what B said.
Ps I don't believe marrying a white woman or speaking white takes away your black card. It can be suspect but it don't automatically make you a sellout. jmo...
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bryon Allen is a true power player and dedicated to making changes in our community. This interview was powerful!

I can't believe the number of brothers in here who didnt know who he was. He has been grinding for years! The ones who didnt know him, quick to call him "soft" or speak ill of the brother. We as black folks got to stop that bullshit.

many niggas on here use the Tariq nasheed logic, just hurl insults or the label ‘coon’ until something sticks

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The same dummies telling you not to vote are the ones now crossing their fingers for Byron Allen. Trump seated another conservative to the Supreme court and 150 federal judges.
:lol: Truer words have never been spoken about this shit.


Rising Star
Step ya post count up son! Nobody knows who you are....
I changed ya name to gods faggot debris
Ain't this bout a bi.... this is pure comedy...:lol:...

who would have guessed that a ninja who lives in the A (the black homo capital of the US), does hair and nails for a living, and changed his federally registered racial identifier to correspond to his same sex spouse's AND one who brings up HIV out of the fucking blue would have named himself 'male "box" pimp'.

Male box pimp?... I'm goin let you marinate on that It's a regular dallas buyers club up in this ho.

BGOL Investor
Dr. Greg Carr says the courts will have to choose between their whiteness or their country in the ruling of Byron Allen's Comcast lawsuit.

@ the 2:39 mark he makes the argument for why we should vote sound and clear. A lot of people don't get it. Trump is packing the federal courts with conservative judges for a reason. The Supreme court is flipping conservative for a reason. White supremacists are making their stand and the ramifications of these actions will effect the country for hundreds of years into the future. If you can't understand what that means. then you don't have a clue.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I will try to get caught up on this this week.

Heres the OG thread for the interested...



Rising Star
OG Investor
Judge Joe Brown has been dissing him all day...

I think Byron is using populist tactics to get what he wants. It ain't gonna do shit for "us", but hearing about Bhrons dedication to building his company, and.his history and experience in media, I ain't mad at him using the race card to get what he wants. This is one of the best times TO use it. I suspect he has a PERSONAL issue with a few of the white boys at Comcast he's been networking with for years. They have their advantages , this is one of his. .I typically don't like when people do this, but it's a substantial amount of money and resource he can get. It's like a basketball player flopping on tbe court , just to make sure he gets the foul call.