Shallow Leroy???


The Get It Girl
BGOL Investor
ok i got a question

what if ol girl had the best head game u ever seen...fiya pussy that has all the bells and whisltes you men like...and is a freak

does how she look without her clothes on supercedes how good the actually sex could be?


Rising Star
ok i got a question

what if ol girl had the best head game u ever seen...fiya pussy that has all the bells and whisltes you men like...and is a freak

does how she look without her clothes on supercedes how good the actually sex could be?

It's just like having sex with a small-dicked man for you ladies, sure it's possible, but it's very limiting and unfulfilling. Sure head could be great, but who wants head all the time.
It's just like having sex with a small-dicked man for you ladies, sure it's possible, but it's very limiting and unfulfilling. Sure head could be great, but who wants head all the time.

Curse Ming and that damn small dick thread ... GOD ... now we're never gonna hear the end of it:smh:


~Brown Suga~
BGOL Investor
Honestly ... I have to admit ... that I was in a bit of a smilar situation ... but to the extreme opposite ... I met this guy ... he was like 110 pounds ... I swear ... I liked his personality so I kept seeing him ... everything was good ... until we went to get a little physical ... homeboy dropped his clothes and STRAIGHT UP looked like a piece of paper standing sideways ... :smh: ... I couldnt do it ... all my juices disintegrated ... I had to fake a headache ... I tried to still see him after that ... but I think the look on my face told him exactly how I felt ... I know ... I'm a meanie:smh:Like it was written before ... your true feelings always show on your eyes ... can't lie forever:smh:

Something similar has happened to me. . . But the guy was about 130. . and about 5'10. He was a really cool person, nice to spend time but he was so small and anything sexual was weird at first. But I really liked him and enjoyed his company. . . and ended being with him like a year.

But there's a huge difference between my situation and being "repulsed" by someone. .


So pretty!
BGOL Investor
It's just like having sex with a small-dicked man for you ladies, sure it's possible, but it's very limiting and unfulfilling. Sure head could be great, but who wants head all the time.

Damn good point and LS I agree we will never hear the end of it.


wannabe star
I had a blind date once with a girl and the situation was similar. We talked on the phone for about a week and we vibed well. My sister in law, the matchmaker, told me she was "thick" and the girl told me she was "thick" too. However when i met her she was like 5'5" 200lbs which is a little over my head so i had to pass even though we connected on a convo level.

In short i'd say give it a try since yall seem to have a deeper connection. You never know, she may be the best in bed that you've ever had.


Rising Star
You know i think that was LD's entire point with this thread.:lol::lol:

You motherfucker...:lol: It was. I was trying to prove a point about the hypocrisies of women and I think I proved it. There is no fat woman, there is no Benz. Oh man, this thread was full of laughs.


You all should be ashamed of yourselves.


Rising Star
Oh this shit is touching. "Stay with her and hold her tight" "Give her a chance" HAHAHAHA meanwhile the other side is "I would be a cheatin mofo" and "I couldn't be with him." HAHAHAHA. Y'all crackin me up.


~Brown Suga~
BGOL Investor
You motherfucker...:lol: It was. I was trying to prove a point about the hypocrisies of women and I think I proved it. There is no fat woman, there is no Benz. Oh man, this thread was full of laughs.


You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

I think there might have been a lot of contradictions in this thread, but when you are in particular situation, things are not always cut and dry. You might say what you wouldn't do, who you wouldn't date, but when it's real life it might be a different story.

A lot of times we say what wouldn't do or even consider. . . but life doesn't always work like that.


Oh this shit is touching. "Stay with her and hold her tight" "Give her a chance" HAHAHAHA meanwhile the other side is "I would be a cheatin mofo" and "I couldn't be with him." HAHAHAHA. Y'all crackin me up.

Well atleast one side has given you honest advice in what they would do. I'll leave it to you to figure out which.


this is so retarded. black women are the most shallow people on the face of the earth. as a big dude myself, i know. sistas wont have anything to do with you if you dont fit their physical mold.


Rising Star
Half of the ladies are talking about give her a chance but there was a thread about would you fuck a fat guy and most of the ladies said no. isnt this a double standard. That being said he is being a little shallow. I know a dude that fucked a girl with spina bifida and said it was the best pussy he ever had.


agent of change
BGOL Investor
this is so retarded. black women are the most shallow people on the face of the earth. as a big dude myself, i know. sistas wont have anything to do with you if you dont fit their physical mold.

well in NJ and the tristate...big dudes get play from chics but the same can't be said for big women.

Half of the ladies are talking about give her a chance but there was a thread about would you fuck a fat guy and most of the ladies said no. isnt this a double standard. That being said he is being a little shallow. I know a dude that fucked a girl with spina bifida and said it was the best pussy he ever had.

if i remember correctly...a lot of the women in the thread said they digged big dudes...i remember one saying that she dated one but it didn't lead to sex and one saying no b/c she was also big and she said it didn't mix....correct me if i'm wrong.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I usually don't ask for advice and shit cause I think it's lame, but there are some real stand-up women on this board, so I figured, what the hell.

Anyway, I met this chick on a blind date, through one of my co-workers. We talked on the phone and I mean, she likes MMA, she's intelligent (like myself), just you know how you can have a good conversation with someone for hours. Well that is this chick. So she's talking about how she can get down in the kitchen (among other places) and she invites me over to cook me dinner. So I pull up, phat crib and I see a Benz in the driveway, so I know she got money. I'm like "Yooooooo". So she opens the door and....she's like 5'7", 255 lbs. WHOOOOOA. That shit is not cute, you know. But I'm like, lemme give this a chance cause I'm cool like that.

So we eat, sista burns, I mean the itis is setting in, go sit on the couch, not too close, watching the Rockets. And she starts giving a nigga a backrub. Chick got grip. Nigga meltin like butter. In the back of my mind I'm thinking, man this girl is the bomb...but she's so fat. I can't get over that fact. I don't think I could ever be satisfied (in tha bedroom) with this fat chick. I mean we can work around it, I guess. Like I said, we connected in every way almost, like she knew me. Am I making too big a deal about her weight? Or should I let her down easy and try again??
Nigga just keep it real. She cool to hang around got MAD CHEESE and a phat crib. She cook and will do anything for you. Pimpin man up... you can fuck her once a week:lol: That should not be to much of a compromise:lol:


wannabe star
It sounds like no matter what you are not going to able to get over her weight. So get out and get out now. No point in wasting her time or yours. There are tons of men out there who enjoy bbw's so let her find one and you find yourself the type of chick that floats your boat.

The longer you stay there milking her for the positive qualities she has the harder it will be to get out. And the more hurt she will be once you do decide to leave. That is if you even care how she feels at all.

But if you really like her as a friend and would like to keep her as a friend then tell her that. And let her decide if she wants to keep you in the friend zone.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
:rolleyes: But the very point you are trying to prove can be reversed and said about men. How many big, unfit men on BGOL say that their woman gotta be a size 7??? People are hypocrites. Some more so than others
what's hypocriticial? different people like different things
some skinny chicks like big fat dudes, some big fat chicks like skinny dudes and vice versa - so what? Who says you have to be similar to who you like? Do I have to be dark skinned to like dark women?

:roflmao: @ leroy making this shit a sneak attack :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: