Hmm... Can you solve this?


Accidentally gave a fuck on Dec. 11, 2019.
BGOL Investor
I don't remember a bit of calculus or precalculus, but this looks familiar:

This is called "Systems of Equations" solved with substitution (

Trade fruit for variables:
Apples: x
Bananas: y
Coconuts: z

Here's how I did it:

x+x+x = 30
Simplify: 3x = 30

Bananas (y) in terms of x
x + 2y = 18
x = 18 - 2y

Solve for y using 3x = 30 (plug x value from bananas into 3x = 30 equation)
3(18-2y) = 30

(Use distributive property):
54-6y = 30
-6y = 30 - 54
-6y = -24
y = 4

Solve for z using y value (plug y value into y-z = 2 equation)
y - z = 2
4-z = 2
z = 2

Solve for x using x + 2y = 18
x + 2(4) = 18
x + 8 = 18
x = 10

Solve final portion of equation:
10 + 2 + 4 =16

3(10) = 30 (True!)
10 + 2(4) = 18 (True!)
4 - 2 = 2 (True!)


Big Coin Star

Hmm... Can you solve this?

I simplified the equation


Apple+Apple+Apple=30 or 10+10+10=30
Apple+Banana+Banana=18 or 10+4+4=18
Banana-Coconut=2 or 4-2=2
Coconut(2)+Apple(10)+Banana(4) or 2+10+4=16


Black James Bond

International Member
I got 16 at first, but if you take in account the actual number of bananas in the bunch then each banana is equal to one and the last equation there are only three bananas then the last equation is 14 as the same logic applies to the coconuts.
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