What would Malcolm X have thought about Zawahiri's statements about Obama ???


Rising Star
Super Moderator
<font size="4"><center>

"Looking at the Obamas, it’s like my father and my mother
43 years later. It was the same old rock star thing, and I think
Barack is continuing what my father did with true consciousness,
true ability, and a global view.
Michelle and Barack epitomize what
my father set the stage for—they epitomize global community organizing.
I’m a global child, I was raised a global child, and he’s a global child.
You know, I look at Barack, he’s slim like my father, and Michelle’s
full figured like my mother. And I just love it."

- Malaak Shabazz

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<IFRAME SRC="http://maxblumenthal.com/2008/11/my-interview-with-malcolm-xs-daughter-on-zawahri-obama/" WIDTH=780 HEIGHT=1500>
<A HREF="http://maxblumenthal.com/2008/11/my-interview-with-malcolm-xs-daughter-on-zawahri-obama/">link</A>



Rising Star
Super Moderator
<font size="4">
A follow-up statement from the Shabazz Center to
the interview (above) given by Malaak Shabazz:
</font size>

Ms. Dowoti Désir
Executive Director
The Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz
Memorial, Educational and Cultural Center
3940 Broadway
New York City, N.Y. 10032
212.568.1341 (o)
212.568.2736 (f)


As the guardians of the legacy of El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X)
and Dr. Betty Shabazz, The Shabazz Center works towards providing the most
accurate interpretation of his words and deeds. During his complex
life, Malcolm X never believed in any action that supports the dislocation,
destabilization, dehumanization or destruction of any people. His legacy
is grounded in the struggle for the God-given human rights for all.

Malcolm X was both urbane and global, working until his untimely death
to harvest change: spiritual, moral, ethical, intellectual, political,
judicial, and social for the countless many he influenced, and those
many more to come.

Throughout his life, he engaged in constant critique of himself and the
world, analyzing how he could alter the plight of those most oppressed,and
especially those of African descent. Malcolm's words certainly did not
fall deaf on the ears of President-elect Barack Obama, who has stood for
broad-based inclusiveness and respectful engagement as few leaders have.
And the world community should not be numb to Malcolm X' sacrifices in
his struggle to advocate for opportunity and equity for all, even as some
would manipulate the intent of his ideals.

We believe Malcolm X would have been very proud of President-elect
Barack Obama and his accomplishments.</font size>



Rising Star
Super Moderator
<font size="3">

"Max Blumenthal: What is your reaction to Ayman al-Zawahiri’s appropriation
of your father’s legacy to attack Barack Obama as a “House Negro?”

Malaak Shabazz: I ignore him like I ignore Farrakhan. Next question.
Next. There’s other issues we need to deal with. We need to focus
energy on what is central to what we’re doing, not that negative shit."

</font size>


Rising Star
Super Moderator
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At the request of a board member, this thread
is temporarily on-loan to the mainboard from
the Politics and Topics Board.

</font size>

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
I've always questioned the authenticity of this

Would hardline Muslim extremists who have no intimate knowledge of slavery in America really grasp the concept of "house negros?"

Sounds like some shit the Grand Ol Party would toss out there to be divisionary


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've always questioned the authenticity of this

Would hardline Muslim extremists who have no intimate knowledge of slavery in America really grasp the concept of "house negros?"

Sounds like some shit the Grand Ol Party would toss out there to be divisionary

what do you mean? who do you think CONTINUES slavery in africa??? Muslims and arabs...

they KNOW exactly what the concept of HOUSE SLAVE (which is what he said actually translates into...house negro was OUR translation of that) means..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
to the thread question:

it depends on which malcolm your talking about pre or post Pilgrimage?...

Malcolm X - follower of Elijah Muhammad and hater of all things white.


El Hajj Malik Shabazz - Follower of Muhammad and a person who had a greater understanding of Islam and the world around him.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
what do you mean? who do you think CONTINUES slavery in africa??? Muslims and arabs...

they KNOW exactly what the concept of HOUSE SLAVE (which is what he said actually translates into...house negro was OUR translation of that) means..

You misunderstood

It is my belief that the concept that incorporates Judeo-Christian white dominion over African slaves is wholly European/American, not enslavement itself.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You misunderstood

It is my belief that the concept that incorporates Judeo-Christian white dominion over African slaves is wholly European/American, not enslavement itself.

i get what your saying but its still generally the same things...

the concept of a house slave and their contentious relationship with field slaves..that being the field slaves see the slave owner for what they really are and are usually treated more harshly and sternly by the slave owner than the house servant who seems to have a Stockholm syndrome type of relationship with the slave owner...is the same whether its in africa or the US...arab based or european based. The US TWEAK on it just calling the house slave a house ******...but the concept is the same world around..


Ayman al-Zawahiri is saying don't let America put a Black face on America's racist policies and think everything is ok or forgotten. Malcom would agree.


Rising Star
to the thread question:

it depends on which malcolm your talking about pre or post Pilgrimage?...

Malcolm X - follower of Elijah Muhammad and hater of all things white.


El Hajj Malik Shabazz - Follower of Muhammad and a person who had a greater understanding of Islam and the world around him.

I called this some white BS interpretation.

Fact. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad did not teach anyone to hate whites. He taught us to do for ourselves and to respect and appreciate our black selves. He taught that white supremacy is evil and it is a general practice of whites thru out the world.

Fact. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught Malcolm X that there are living breathing- walking and talking white folks that have accepted Islam. And that they are faithful muslims. He taught that these white muslims will join the faithful black muslims in the hereafter.

Furthermore, Elijah Muhammad taught that his Islam and mission was specially crafted for the lost and miseducated black folks of the new world. Hate was never within or behind Elijah's message.

Before Malcolm went to the east, Elijah had already sent his own flesh and blood son there to study arabic and traditional Islam. Elijah also designated that this traditionally trained son to be his successor.

Elijah own son, Warith Deen taught that Elijah instructed him to take the NOI into traditional Islam.

Fact Malcolm X had traveled to the east and had rubbed shoulders with arab and white muslims before he later made his pilgrimage. Malcolm X was sent on his Pilgrimage by Elijah Muhammad. Elijah Muhammad also is the one that named Malcolm X - El Hajj Malik Shabazz.

You do realize that the name Shabazz is not the surname of any muslim or arab in the eastern world. Shabazz is the name of an ancient black tribe as taught by Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm X took that name - Shabazz to her grave. The same is true for Betty Shabazz. Dr. Betty Shabazz even reconciled with Farrakhan, currently the spiritual leader of Elijah Muhammad's Nation of Islam.

The Nation of Islam was founded on the teaching of Master Fard Muhammad. Master Fard Muhammad was the son of Black man and White woman.


Elijah Muhammad had no hate for whites. He didn't teach hate for whites. He taught that whites can and are faithful muslims. Obviously, Malcolm X wasn't the best student of his teacher and redeemer. Or maybe Malcolm X had a personal beef with white folks.

Maybe, I shouldn't say this because the Malcolm X worshipper are going to bust a vein.


Elijah Muhammad's message about Whites.

Blacks came into existence 78 trillion years ago, and through the eons they lived an advanced and righteous life. But their paradise ceased 6,000 years ago when a deviant black savant named Mr. Yakub, also known as "the big head scientist," rebelled against the black gods and set about creating the white race. When blacks learned what Mr. Yakub was doing, they exiled him to an island in the Aegean Sea, but he was able to continue his work and within 600 years had succeeded in bringing the white race into existence, with a mandate to reign over blacks for six millennia. That reign ended in 1914, though a seventy-year period of grace would extend it to 1984; W.D. Fard had come to proclaim its end and to show blacks how to reclaim their rightful place through the Nation of Islam-a goal they would definitely accomplish by the year 2000.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Gotta love how some people think they know more about Malcolm's ideologies than his daughter. This gets back into the whole farce of trying to use Malcolm as a pillar to back one's own thoughts and philosophies.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Remember what Malcolm had to say about JFK :hmm:

you mean this one???

"It was, as I saw it, a case of 'the chickens coming home to roost.' I said that the hate in white men had not stopped with the killing of defenseless black people, but that hate, allowed to spread unchecked, had finally struck down this country's Chief Magistrate."

On the assassination of John F Kennedy


Malcolm was an anti-imperialist. The idea that he'd support Obama, who clearly IS AN IMPERIALIST, is laughable.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Malcolm was an anti-imperialist. The idea that he'd support Obama, who clearly IS AN IMPERIALIST, is laughable.
two questions for you. 1) Do you have any proof in any quotes that can back up your assertion that Obama is clearly an imperialist? 2) You know more about Brother Malcolm than his daughter and the people who actually knew him?


what do you mean? who do you think CONTINUES slavery in africa??? Muslims and arabs...

they KNOW exactly what the concept of HOUSE SLAVE (which is what he said actually translates into...house negro was OUR translation of that) means..

How dare you make factual assertions about arabs/muslims. Our beef is ONLY with white folx!! DAYUM YOU!!!





two questions for you. 1) Do you have any proof in any quotes that can back up your assertion that Obama is clearly an imperialist? 2) You know more about Brother Malcolm than his daughter and the people who actually knew him?

1. Quote: "Today we are engaged in a deadly global struggle for those who would intimidate, torture, and murder people for exercising the most basic freedoms. If we are to win this struggle and spread those freedoms, we must keep our own moral compass pointed in a true direction."

If you are aware of the true nature of the "war on terror" it is in fact a war of imperialism.

2. His daughter is entitled to say what she thinks but she doesn't have a monopoly on such opinions. I think its fair that a historical figure like Malcolm is interpreted by multiple people and family members don't have the only word.

End of day, IN MY OPINION if Malcolm were here in 2008 he'd be against the US empire, against the War on Terror, and would be sounding much more like Cynthia McKinney or Ralph Nader than Barack Obama.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1. Quote: "Today we are engaged in a deadly global struggle for those who would intimidate, torture, and murder people for exercising the most basic freedoms. If we are to win this struggle and spread those freedoms, we must keep our own moral compass pointed in a true direction."

If you are aware of the true nature of the "war on terror" it is in fact a war of imperialism.

2. His daughter is entitled to say what she thinks but she doesn't have a monopoly on such opinions. I think its fair that a historical figure like Malcolm is interpreted by multiple people and family members don't have the only word.

End of day, IN MY OPINION if Malcolm were here in 2008 he'd be against the US empire, against the War on Terror, and would be sounding much more like Cynthia McKinney or Ralph Nader than Barack Obama.
you are aware that he also wants to seek diplomacy with nations like Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, etc. If I'm not mistaken, that's a complete 180 from the way Bush/Rove operated. Are you saying that's just talk? Was he not one of the first politicians to speak out against the war in Iraq?


you are aware that he also wants to seek diplomacy with nations like Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, etc. If I'm not mistaken, that's a complete 180 from the way Bush/Rove operated. Are you saying that's just talk? Was he not one of the first politicians to speak out against the war in Iraq?

Brother, the Empire is slick. They are not going to put somebody into power who isn't going to serve their interests! Think!

Bush put them in such a bad light that they need a brown skinned guy who is smooth now. He is going to continue the same games that they always play. He will ramp up Afghnistan now, that will be his major war (along with pakistan).

He spoke out against the war in iraq on tactical grounds, not moral ones. He is clearly continuing the Iraq occupation, BTW.

Is he a nice guy who we can all be proud of? Sure. I don't dislike him personally. That said, he is going to be a spokesman and champion of the US empire. Thats reality.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think it says more about us that we can believe this man is some puppet for white folks over he's just a black man who worked hard, went to Harvard, married the love of his life, and is a father to his children who actually wants change. Is it more believable that this brother is the white man's bitch, or that a black man can actually reach these heights?

Bro, you could absolutely be right. And he could be a puppet for some empirical imperialistic zionistic conspiracy. My thing is, I won't judge him until he is actually sworn in. I don't think Obama is above criticism at all. If he fucks up, I'll be right there with you calling him to the carpet. Until then, I'll sit and reserve judgment.


^^^ the two things you said have nothing to do with each other. sure he worked hard and loves his family. so? its got nothing to do with the other issue.

anyway - Malcolm called King a tom you cats think he wouldn't have said that about fucking Obama? :lol::lol::lol: fuck outta here.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
^^^ the two things you said have nothing to do with each other. sure he worked hard and loves his family. so? its got nothing to do with the other issue.

anyway - Malcolm called King a tom you cats think he wouldn't have said that about fucking Obama? :lol::lol::lol: fuck outta here.

I think you missed the point of what I was getting at with regards to Obama working hard. Nevermind.

see now you're picking and choosing. Yeah, he did call him a Tom, then recanted and went to Selma to meet him. You can't just pick earlier Malcolm speeches to go along with your point. The man grew and his ideologies evolved.

"I want Dr. King to know that I didn't come to Selma to make his job difficult. I really did come thinking I could make it easier. If the white people realize what the alternative is, perhaps they will be more willing to hear Dr. King."

Yeah, Malcolm went to meet with someone whom he still deemed a Tom! C'mon brother. Please stop trying to find one stitch in time to win an argument. Brother Malcolm was way more complex than that. It does a disservice to his growth when you do that.


Fine, fine.

End of day - my point stands. I am an anti-imperialist and I think the US Empire is responsible for much death and destruction. If and when Obama becomes part of that by ordering troops into battle to kill innocents and fight the wretched of the earth I'll call it for what it is.

All I can say is the empire is smart. They got this brother up there and he's going to take a lot of the heat off of them that Bush brought. I stand with sister Cynthia McKinney and those who oppose this beast of a system, not with the appeasers who tell the white power structure what it wants to hear. In my heat I know Malcolm would see it my way but everyone is entitled to their own views.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fine, fine.

End of day - my point stands. I am an anti-imperialist and I think the US Empire is responsible for much death and destruction. If and when Obama becomes part of that by ordering troops into battle to kill innocents and fight the wretched of the earth I'll call it for what it is.

All I can say is the empire is smart. They got this brother up there and he's going to take a lot of the heat off of them that Bush brought. I stand with sister Cynthia McKinney and those who oppose this beast of a system, not with the appeasers who tell the white power structure what it wants to hear. In my heat I know Malcolm would see it my way but everyone is entitled to their own views.

and if it goes down like that, than I'm with you. I'll be waving that flag with you Bro. But until then, I think it's important that we give the Brother a chance. But if he invades Iran, or Syria, or any other fucking country for the sake of doing it, I'll be the first one condemning that shit.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
see now you're picking and choosing. .

Exactly. Classic "cherry-picking" that creates a false dichotomy. Malaki's fallacious argumentative style that lends itself to continuous selective observation is alarming. The irony is that he think others are the ones viewing things myopically :rolleyes:

I am the strongest critic is Bush but even I can say good things about his Aids initiatives in Africa. Get the point? How you can be so one-sided against a man who hasn't even officially taken office yet and made an executive decision as the POTUS is a verdict on your subjectivity more than anything.

Malaki is also making the fallacious supposition of "argument To The future". He's convicted him like he's in the movie "Minority Report" and has access to the "though police" as if he's seen the future.